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3 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
ChristianChiarulli | 6260c37737 | 3 years ago |
ChristianChiarulli | 286580a96a | 3 years ago |
ChristianChiarulli | 72912a9d76 | 3 years ago |
@ -1,46 +1,41 @@
local options = {
-- :help options
backup = false, -- creates a backup file
vim.opt.backup = false -- creates a backup file
clipboard = "unnamedplus", -- allows neovim to access the system clipboard
vim.opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus" -- allows neovim to access the system clipboard
cmdheight = 2, -- more space in the neovim command line for displaying messages
vim.opt.cmdheight = 2 -- more space in the neovim command line for displaying messages
completeopt = { "menuone", "noselect" }, -- mostly just for cmp
vim.opt.completeopt = { "menuone", "noselect" } -- mostly just for cmp
conceallevel = 0, -- so that `` is visible in markdown files
vim.opt.conceallevel = 0 -- so that `` is visible in markdown files
fileencoding = "utf-8", -- the encoding written to a file
vim.opt.fileencoding = "utf-8" -- the encoding written to a file
hlsearch = true, -- highlight all matches on previous search pattern
vim.opt.hlsearch = true -- highlight all matches on previous search pattern
ignorecase = true, -- ignore case in search patterns
vim.opt.ignorecase = true -- ignore case in search patterns
mouse = "a", -- allow the mouse to be used in neovim
vim.opt.mouse = "a" -- allow the mouse to be used in neovim
pumheight = 10, -- pop up menu height
vim.opt.pumheight = 10 -- pop up menu height
showmode = false, -- we don't need to see things like -- INSERT -- anymore
vim.opt.showmode = false -- we don't need to see things like -- INSERT -- anymore
showtabline = 2, -- always show tabs
vim.opt.showtabline = 2 -- always show tabs
smartcase = true, -- smart case
vim.opt.smartcase = true -- smart case
smartindent = true, -- make indenting smarter again
vim.opt.smartindent = true -- make indenting smarter again
splitbelow = true, -- force all horizontal splits to go below current window
vim.opt.splitbelow = true -- force all horizontal splits to go below current window
splitright = true, -- force all vertical splits to go to the right of current window
vim.opt.splitright = true -- force all vertical splits to go to the right of current window
swapfile = false, -- creates a swapfile
vim.opt.swapfile = false -- creates a swapfile
-- termguicolors = true, -- set term gui colors (most terminals support this)
-- vim.opt.termguicolors = true -- set term gui colors (most terminals support this)
timeoutlen = 1000, -- time to wait for a mapped sequence to complete (in milliseconds)
vim.opt.timeoutlen = 1000 -- time to wait for a mapped sequence to complete (in milliseconds)
undofile = true, -- enable persistent undo
vim.opt.undofile = true -- enable persistent undo
updatetime = 300, -- faster completion (4000ms default)
vim.opt.updatetime = 300 -- faster completion (4000ms default)
writebackup = false, -- if a file is being edited by another program (or was written to file while editing with another program), it is not allowed to be edited
vim.opt.writebackup = false -- if a file is being edited by another program (or was written to file while editing with another program), it is not allowed to be edited
expandtab = true, -- convert tabs to spaces
vim.opt.expandtab = true -- convert tabs to spaces
shiftwidth = 2, -- the number of spaces inserted for each indentation
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 2 -- the number of spaces inserted for each indentation
tabstop = 2, -- insert 2 spaces for a tab
vim.opt.tabstop = 2 -- insert 2 spaces for a tab
cursorline = true, -- highlight the current line
vim.opt.cursorline = true -- highlight the current line
number = true, -- set numbered lines
vim.opt.number = true -- set numbered lines
relativenumber = false, -- set relative numbered lines
vim.opt.relativenumber = false -- set relative numbered lines
numberwidth = 4, -- set number column width to 2 {default 4}
vim.opt.numberwidth = 4 -- set number column width to 2 {default 4}
signcolumn = "yes", -- always show the sign column, otherwise it would shift the text each time
vim.opt.signcolumn = "yes" -- always show the sign column, otherwise it would shift the text each time
wrap = false, -- display lines as one long line
vim.opt.wrap = false -- display lines as one long line
scrolloff = 8, -- is one of my fav
vim.opt.scrolloff = 8 -- is one of my fav
sidescrolloff = 8,
vim.opt.sidescrolloff = 8
guifont = "monospace:h17", -- the font used in graphical neovim applications
vim.opt.guifont = "monospace:h17" -- the font used in graphical neovim applications
vim.opt.shortmess:append "c"
vim.opt.shortmess:append "c"
for k, v in pairs(options) do
vim.opt[k] = v
vim.cmd "set whichwrap+=<,>,[,],h,l"
vim.cmd "set whichwrap+=<,>,[,],h,l"
vim.cmd [[set iskeyword+=-]]
vim.cmd [[set iskeyword+=-]]
vim.cmd [[set formatoptions-=cro]] -- TODO: this doesn't seem to work
vim.cmd [[set formatoptions-=cro]] -- TODO: this doesn't seem to work
Reference in new issue