Added L-binds, for listing: buffers, changes, jumps, marks, & registers.

Kevin James Lausen 3 years ago
parent a77dd67820
commit 858d83fc75

@ -105,6 +105,21 @@ keymap("i", "jk", "<ESC>", opts)
-- "############################################################################## -- "##############################################################################
keymap("n", "<leader>cm", ":set nolist <CR> <bar> :set nornu <CR> <bar> :set nonu <CR>", opts) keymap("n", "<leader>cm", ":set nolist <CR> <bar> :set nornu <CR> <bar> :set nonu <CR>", opts)
-- "#############################################################
-- "# Spell check set to sc(Spell-Check)/es(Switch 2 ESpañol.). #
-- "#############################################################
keymap("n", "<leader>sc", ":setlocal spell! spelllang=en_us<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>es", ":set spelllang=es<CR>", opts)
-- "########################################################################
-- "# hotkey mappings for jumps, marks, buffer-LiSting, and changes lists. #
-- "########################################################################
keymap("n", "<leader>mm", ":marks<CR>", opts) -- This will open up the Marks-list.
keymap("n", "<leader>jj", ":jumps<CR>", opts) -- This will open up the Jumps-list.
keymap("n", "<leader>ll", ":ls<CR>", opts) -- This opens up the buffers-list.
keymap("n", "<leader>cc", ":changes<CR>", opts) -- This will open up the Changes-list.
keymap("n", "<leader>rr", ":registers<Cr>", opts) -- This will open up the Registers-list.
-- "################################################# -- "#################################################
-- "# I'm mapping vc to reload the .vimrc, # -- "# I'm mapping vc to reload the .vimrc, #
-- "# without closing and re-opening he vim config. # -- "# without closing and re-opening he vim config. #
@ -112,12 +127,6 @@ keymap("i", "jk", "<ESC>", opts)
-- keymap("n", "<leader>vc", ":source ~/.config/nvim/init.lua<CR> <bar> :nohl <CR>", opts) -- keymap("n", "<leader>vc", ":source ~/.config/nvim/init.lua<CR> <bar> :nohl <CR>", opts)
-- TODO attempt to put this in vim.cmd later. -- TODO attempt to put this in vim.cmd later.
-- "#############################################################
-- "# Spell check set to sc(Spell-Check)/es(Switch 2 ESpañol.). #
-- "#############################################################
keymap("n", "<leader>sc", ":setlocal spell! spelllang=en_us<CR>", opts)
keymap("n", "<leader>es", ":set spelllang=es<CR>", opts)
-- Terminal -- -- Terminal --
-- Better terminal navigation... ??? -- Better terminal navigation... ???
-- This is the ONLY block I am not sure if I want to include in my config, -- This is the ONLY block I am not sure if I want to include in my config,
