add bufferline

add bufferline

christianchiarulli 3 years ago committed by ChristianChiarulli
parent 29307cb5fa
commit 122bedde84

@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ require "user.autopairs"
require "user.comment" require "user.comment"
require "user.gitsigns" require "user.gitsigns"
require "user.nvim-tree" require "user.nvim-tree"
require "user.bufferline"

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
local status_ok, bufferline = pcall(require, "bufferline")
if not status_ok then
bufferline.setup {
options = {
numbers = "none", -- | "ordinal" | "buffer_id" | "both" | function({ ordinal, id, lower, raise }): string,
close_command = "Bdelete! %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
right_mouse_command = "Bdelete! %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
left_mouse_command = "buffer %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
middle_mouse_command = nil, -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
-- NOTE: this plugin is designed with this icon in mind,
-- and so changing this is NOT recommended, this is intended
-- as an escape hatch for people who cannot bear it for whatever reason
indicator_icon = "",
buffer_close_icon = "",
-- buffer_close_icon = '',
modified_icon = "",
close_icon = "",
-- close_icon = '',
left_trunc_marker = "",
right_trunc_marker = "",
--- name_formatter can be used to change the buffer's label in the bufferline.
--- Please note some names can/will break the
--- bufferline so use this at your discretion knowing that it has
--- some limitations that will *NOT* be fixed.
-- name_formatter = function(buf) -- buf contains a "name", "path" and "bufnr"
-- -- remove extension from markdown files for example
-- if'') then
-- return vim.fn.fnamemodify(, ':t:r')
-- end
-- end,
max_name_length = 30,
max_prefix_length = 30, -- prefix used when a buffer is de-duplicated
tab_size = 21,
diagnostics = false, -- | "nvim_lsp" | "coc",
diagnostics_update_in_insert = false,
-- diagnostics_indicator = function(count, level, diagnostics_dict, context)
-- return "("..count..")"
-- end,
-- NOTE: this will be called a lot so don't do any heavy processing here
-- custom_filter = function(buf_number)
-- -- filter out filetypes you don't want to see
-- if[buf_number].filetype ~= "<i-dont-want-to-see-this>" then
-- return true
-- end
-- -- filter out by buffer name
-- if vim.fn.bufname(buf_number) ~= "<buffer-name-I-dont-want>" then
-- return true
-- end
-- -- filter out based on arbitrary rules
-- -- e.g. filter out vim wiki buffer from tabline in your work repo
-- if vim.fn.getcwd() == "<work-repo>" and[buf_number].filetype ~= "wiki" then
-- return true
-- end
-- end,
offsets = { { filetype = "NvimTree", text = "", padding = 1 } },
show_buffer_icons = true,
show_buffer_close_icons = true,
show_close_icon = true,
show_tab_indicators = true,
persist_buffer_sort = true, -- whether or not custom sorted buffers should persist
-- can also be a table containing 2 custom separators
-- [focused and unfocused]. eg: { '|', '|' }
separator_style = "thin", -- | "thick" | "thin" | { 'any', 'any' },
enforce_regular_tabs = true,
always_show_bufferline = true,
-- sort_by = 'id' | 'extension' | 'relative_directory' | 'directory' | 'tabs' | function(buffer_a, buffer_b)
-- -- add custom logic
-- return buffer_a.modified > buffer_b.modified
-- end
highlights = {
fill = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "#ff0000" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
background = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
-- buffer_selected = {
-- guifg = {attribute='fg',highlight='#ff0000'},
-- guibg = {attribute='bg',highlight='#0000ff'},
-- gui = 'none'
-- },
buffer_visible = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
close_button = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
close_button_visible = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
-- close_button_selected = {
-- guifg = {attribute='fg',highlight='TabLineSel'},
-- guibg ={attribute='bg',highlight='TabLineSel'}
-- },
tab_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "Normal" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
tab = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
tab_close = {
-- guifg = {attribute='fg',highlight='LspDiagnosticsDefaultError'},
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLineSel" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
duplicate_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLineSel" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLineSel" },
gui = "italic",
duplicate_visible = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
gui = "italic",
duplicate = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
gui = "italic",
modified = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
modified_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "Normal" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
modified_visible = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
separator = {
guifg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
separator_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
-- separator_visible = {
-- guifg = {attribute='bg',highlight='TabLine'},
-- guibg = {attribute='bg',highlight='TabLine'}
-- },
indicator_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },

@ -67,9 +67,5 @@ keymap("t", "<C-j>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>j", term_opts)
keymap("t", "<C-k>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>k", term_opts) keymap("t", "<C-k>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>k", term_opts)
keymap("t", "<C-l>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>l", term_opts) keymap("t", "<C-l>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>l", term_opts)
-- Comment
keymap("n", "<leader>/", "<cmd>lua require('Comment').toggle()<CR>", opts)
keymap("v", "<leader>/", ":lua require(\"Comment.api\").gc(vim.fn.visualmode())<cr>", opts)
-- Nvimtree -- Nvimtree
keymap("n", "<leader>e", ":NvimTreeToggle<cr>", opts) keymap("n", "<leader>e", ":NvimTreeToggle<cr>", opts)

@ -46,8 +46,10 @@ return packer.startup(function(use)
use "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" -- Useful lua functions used ny lots of plugins use "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" -- Useful lua functions used ny lots of plugins
use "windwp/nvim-autopairs" -- Autopairs, integrates with both cmp and treesitter use "windwp/nvim-autopairs" -- Autopairs, integrates with both cmp and treesitter
use "numToStr/Comment.nvim" -- Easily comment stuff use "numToStr/Comment.nvim" -- Easily comment stuff
use 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' use "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons"
use 'kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua' use "kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua"
use "akinsho/bufferline.nvim"
use "moll/vim-bbye"
-- Colorschemes -- Colorschemes
-- use "lunarvim/colorschemes" -- A bunch of colorschemes you can try out -- use "lunarvim/colorschemes" -- A bunch of colorschemes you can try out
@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ return packer.startup(function(use)
"nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
run = ":TSUpdate", run = ":TSUpdate",
} }
use 'JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring' use "JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring"
-- Git -- Git
use "lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim" use "lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim"
