You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
7.7 KiB

2 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import operator
import sys
2 years ago
tokens = dict()
program = './tokens.json'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
program = sys.argv[1]
with open(program, 'r') as json_tokens:
tokens = json.loads(
def peek(index: int, tokens: list) -> dict:
result = dict()
if index < len(tokens):
result = tokens[index]
return result
2 years ago
def find_token_indicies(key: str, tokens: list) -> list:
2 years ago
result = list()
index = 0
for token in tokens:
if token["value"] == key:
index = index + 1
return result
def find_return_statement(maybe_expression, usefull_tokens) -> dict:
expression = dict()
for token in usefull_tokens:
if maybe_expression['value'] == token['signifier'] and token['variant'] == 'function_declaration':
for part in token['body']:
if part['variant'] == 'return_statement':
return part
return expression
def collect_body(index: int, tokens: list) -> list:
uncollapsed_tokens = list()
token = peek(index + 1, tokens)
if token['variant'] != "operator":
return uncollapsed_tokens
maybe_expression = peek(index + 2, tokens)
if maybe_expression['variant'] == 'expression':
return uncollapsed_tokens
elif maybe_expression['variant'] == 'start_block':
index = index + 2
while True:
index = index + 1
collectable = peek(index, tokens)
if collectable['variant'] == 'end_block':
return uncollapsed_tokens
def coaless_tokens(identifiers, line_number, usefull_tokens, variant) -> list:
result = list()
for identifier in identifiers:
candidate_token = dict()
for token in usefull_tokens:
if line_number > token['line_number'] and identifier == token['signifier'] and token['variant'] == variant:
candidate_token = token
if candidate_token:
2 years ago
return result
def collapse_tokens(uncollapsed_tokens: list) -> list:
usefull_tokens = list()
in_block = False
block = ""
block_index = -1
block_lineno = -1
for index in range(0, len(uncollapsed_tokens)):
token = uncollapsed_tokens[index]
if token['variant'] == 'start_block':
block_index = index
in_block = True
block_lineno = token['line_number']
if token['variant'] == 'end_block':
compare_lineno = block_lineno + 1
block_lineno = token['line_number']
# Do we need to append new lines
for i in range (compare_lineno, block_lineno):
block = block + "\n"
name = "multiline"
maybe_variable = peek(block_index - 2, uncollapsed_tokens)
if maybe_variable['variant'] == 'signifier':
name = maybe_variable['value']
usefull_token = { "variant": "variable_declaration", "signifier": name, "type": "string", "line_number": maybe_variable['line_number'], "expression": block }
# Reset for next multiline
in_block = False
block = str()
block_index = -1
block_lineno = -1
if token['variant'] == 'syntax_error':
if in_block:
compare_lineno = block_lineno + 1
block_lineno = token['line_number']
# This is if we don't have a block allready
if block == "":
# Do we need to prepend empty lines?
for i in range (compare_lineno, block_lineno):
block = block + "\n"
block = block + token['value'] + "\n"
# and if we do
for i in range (compare_lineno, block_lineno):
block = block + "\n"
block = block + token['value'] + "\n"
usefull_token = token
usefull_token['signifier'] = str(token['line_number']) + "_syntax_error"
if token['variant'] == 'type':
maybe_signifier = peek(index + 2, uncollapsed_tokens)
expression = ''
line_number = token['line_number']
if maybe_signifier["variant"] == "signifier":
name = maybe_signifier['value']
for i in find_token_indicies(name, uncollapsed_tokens):
maybe_expression = peek(i + 2, uncollapsed_tokens)
if maybe_expression and maybe_expression['variant'] == 'expression':
line_number = maybe_expression['line_number']
expression = maybe_expression['value']
elif maybe_expression and maybe_expression['variant'] == 'function_call':
expression = find_return_statement(maybe_expression, usefull_tokens.copy())
usefull_token = { "variant": "variable_declaration", "signifier": name, "type": token['value'], "line_number": line_number, "expression": expression }
if token['variant'] == 'function_declaration':
temp = collect_body(index, uncollapsed_tokens)
body = collapse_tokens(temp)
usefull_token = { "variant": "function_declaration", "signifier": token['value'], "line_number": token['line_number'], "params": token['params'] ,"body": body}
if token['variant'] == 'function_call':
usefull_token = {"variant": "function_call", "signifier": token['value'], "line_number": token['line_number'], "params": token['params']}
if token['variant'] == 'return':
for tkn in usefull_tokens.copy():
if token['value'] == tkn['signifier']:
usefull_token = {"variant": "return_statement", "signifier": tkn['signifier'], "type": tkn['type'], "line_number": tkn['line_number'], "expression": tkn['expression']}
return usefull_tokens
def remove_token(removable: dict, tokens: list) -> list:
for index in range(0,len(tokens)):
token = tokens[index]
if token == removable:
del tokens[index]
return tokens
collapsed_tokens = collapse_tokens(tokens)
for index in range(0, len(collapsed_tokens)):
token = collapsed_tokens[index]
if token['variant'] == 'function_call':
function = coaless_tokens([token['signifier']], token['line_number'],collapsed_tokens.copy(), "function_declaration")
collapsed_tokens[index]['function'] = function.pop()
params = coaless_tokens(token['params'], token['line_number'],collapsed_tokens.copy(), "variable_declaration")
collapsed_tokens[index]['params'] = params
minus = 0
for index in range(0, len(collapsed_tokens)):
token = collapsed_tokens[index - minus].copy()
if token['variant'] == 'function_declaration':
for part in token['body']:
collapsed_tokens = remove_token(part,collapsed_tokens.copy())
minus = minus + 1
if token['variant'] == 'function_call':
for part in token['function']['body']:
collapsed_tokens = remove_token(part,collapsed_tokens.copy())
minus = minus + 1
collapsed_tokens = remove_token(token['function'],collapsed_tokens.copy())
minus = minus + 1