mirror of https://github.com/SUNET/invent.git
Output is json and content is now installed packages from supported packagemangers: * dpkg/apt * apk * dnf * pip Also included is output from docker image inspectmain
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import json
import subprocess
def run_command(command: list[str]) -> tuple:
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.communicate()
def run_command_in_image(image: str, commands: list[str]) -> tuple:
(id, _) = run_command(["docker", "run", "-d", image, "sleep", "30"])
cid = id.decode().strip()
result = run_command(["docker", "exec", cid] + commands)
(_,_) = run_command(["docker", "kill", cid])
return result
def get_os_version_for_image(image: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
(stdout, _) = run_command_in_image(image, ["cat", "/etc/os-release"])
hash = dict()
for line in stdout.decode().split('\n'):
(name, var) = line.partition("=")[::2]
hash[name.strip().strip('"')] = var.strip().strip('"')
return (hash["ID"], hash["VERSION_ID"])
def parse_packages(provider: str, version: str, input: str) -> list[dict]:
output = list()
for line in input.split('\n'):
if len(line) > 0:
object = dict()
object["provider"] = provider
match provider:
case "alpine":
first_pass = line.split(' ')[0]
second_pass = first_pass.split('-')
package = second_pass[0]
version = "-".join(second_pass[1:])
case "centos":
first_pass = line.split(' ')[0]
second_pass = first_pass.split('-')
package = second_pass[0]
version = "-".join(second_pass[1:])
case "debian":
package, version = line.split('\t')
case "fedora":
first_pass = line.split(' ')[0]
second_pass = first_pass.split('-')
package = second_pass[0]
version = "-".join(second_pass[1:])
case "pip":
package, version = line.split('==')
case "ubuntu":
package, version = line.split('\t')
object["package"] = package
object["version"] = version
return output
def get_inspect_data(image: str) -> list[dict]:
(output, _) = run_command(["docker", "image", "inspect", image])
return json.loads(output.decode())
def get_packages(image: str) -> list[dict]:
(os, version) = get_os_version_for_image(image)
# Default is debian ubuntu
command = []
match os:
case "alpine":
command = ["apk", "list", "-q"]
case "centos":
command = ["rpm", "-qa"]
case "debian":
command = ["dpkg-query", "-W"]
case "fedora":
command = ["rpm", "-qa"]
case "ubuntu":
command = ["dpkg-query", "-W"]
if not command:
return [dict()]
(output, _) = run_command_in_image(image, command)
(pip_output, _) = run_command_in_image(image, ["python3", "-m", "pip", "list", "--format", "freeze"])
os_result = parse_packages(os, version, output.decode())
result = os_result
if not pip_output:
pip_result = parse_packages("pip", "3", pip_output.decode())
result += pip_result
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Scan docker images.')
parser.add_argument('--images', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
result = dict()
for image in args.images:
pkg_list = get_packages(image)
inspect_data = get_inspect_data(image)
result[image] = { "pkg_list": pkg_list }
result[image]["inspect_data"] = inspect_data
Reference in new issue