You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

121 lines
4.2 KiB

3 years ago
import hashlib
import io
import os
import pickle
import threading
from typing import Union
import feedparser
import requests
import wx
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL as yt
from Channel import Channel
3 years ago
from Items import Item
from Utils import get_default_log_url, make_bitmap_from_url
3 years ago
class YouTube(Channel):
3 years ago
m_cache: dict = dict()
m_cachefile = '/tmp/yt_cache'
def __init__(self, channel_id) -> None:
self.m_channel_id = channel_id
rss_url = '{}'.format(
logo_url = get_default_log_url('YouTube')
super().__init__(channel_id, rss_url, logo_url)
3 years ago
self.m_items: Union[list[Item], None] = None
if os.path.exists(self.m_cachefile):
with open(self.m_cachefile, 'rb') as cachehandle:
self.m_cache = pickle.load(cachehandle)
self.m_thr = threading.Thread(target=self.parse_feed,
def set_avatar(self) -> None:
info = get_info(self.m_channel_id)
bmap = self.get_logo_as_bitmap()
title = info['title']
dc = wx.MemoryDC(bmap)
cblack = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0)
cwhite = wx.Colour(255, 255, 255)
w, h = dc.GetSize()
tw, th = dc.GetTextExtent(title)
dc.DrawText(title, (w - tw) / 2, (h - th) / 2) #display text in center
del dc
self.m_logo = bmap
3 years ago
def wait(self) -> bool:
return self.m_thr.is_alive()
def parse_feed(self) -> None:
feed = feedparser.parse(self.get_feed())
ydl_opts = {
3 years ago
'container': 'webm_dash',
entries = feed['entries']
self.m_items: list[Item] = list()
for entry in entries:
key = hashlib.sha256(entry['link'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
if key in self.m_cache.keys():
thumbnail_link = self.m_cache[key]['thumbnail_link']
resolved_link = self.m_cache[key]['resolved_link']
description = self.m_cache[key]['description']
published_parsed = self.m_cache[key]['published_parsed']
title = self.m_cache[key]['title']
title = str(entry['title'])
thumbnail_link = str(entry['media_thumbnail'][0]['url'])
description = str(entry['description'])
link = ''
with yt(ydl_opts) as ydl:
video = ydl.extract_info(entry['link'], download=False)
3 years ago
for form in video['formats']:
if form['height']:
if form['height'] < 480 and form[
'acodec'] != 'none':
link = form['url']
resolved_link = link
published_parsed = entry['published_parsed']
if not resolved_link:
self.m_cache[key] = {'thumbnail_link': thumbnail_link}
self.m_cache[key]['resolved_link'] = resolved_link
self.m_cache[key]['description'] = description
self.m_cache[key]['published_parsed'] = published_parsed
self.m_cache[key]['title'] = title
thumbnail = make_bitmap_from_url(thumbnail_link)
3 years ago
item = Item(description, resolved_link, self.m_provider_name,
published_parsed, thumbnail, title)
# write to cache file
with open(self.m_cachefile, 'wb') as cachehandle:
pickle.dump(self.m_cache, cachehandle)
def get_info(channel_id: str) -> str:
link = '{}'.format(channel_id)
ydl_opts = {'extract_flat': True, 'skip_download': True}
with yt(ydl_opts) as ydl:
info = ydl.extract_info(link, download=False)
return info