# WireGUIde WireGUIde is a free and open source graphical user interface for WireGuard: https://www.wireguard.com/. Using WireGUIde you will be able to easily manage you Wireguard client connections on GNU/Linux without the need to use the terminal. WireGUIde uses NetworkManager as a backend, so it is compatible with connections set up with nmcli. It makes use of: * libnm (https://developer.gnome.org/libnm/stable/usage.html) * wxPython (https://wxpython.org/) * GObject Introspection (https://gi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) Thanks to Jan Bodnar of zetcode.com for the valuable tutorial on wxPython dialogs: * http://zetcode.com/wxpython/dialogs/ Thanks to CoreUI for providing a free and open source WireGuard Icon: * https://github.com/coreui/coreui-icons ## Prerequisites WireGUIde requires a fairly recent version of network-manager, and of course wireguard support. For example, while wireguard is available from buster-backports, network-manager for Debian Buster is too old (1.14.6). WireGUIde is known to work on Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora versions with network-manager >= 1.22.10. That means that it will work on Debian Bullseye, Ubuntu Focal, Ubuntu Groovy and Fedora 33 or later. ## Installation Please use supplied debian and rpm repos. Packages are signed with gpg. ### DEB ``` curl https://repo.mic.ke/PUBLIC.KEY | sudo apt-key add - curl https://repo.mic.ke/debian/debian-micke-unstable.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-micke-unstable.list sudo apt update && sudo apt install wireguide ``` Unless you are using resolvconf and systemd-resolvd, NetworkManager might empty /etc/resolv.conf when you remove the last tunnel. This step is optional, but recommended: ``` sudo apt install resolvconf sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service ``` ### RPM ``` wget https://repo.mic.ke/PUBLIC.KEY sudo rpm --import PUBLIC.KEY sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://repo.mic.ke/rpm/rpm-micke.repo sudo dnf install wireguide ``` ## Screenshots ![No config](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mickenordin/wireguide/main/screenshots/scrot0.png) ![Open dialog](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mickenordin/wireguide/main/screenshots/scrot1.png) ![Activate](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mickenordin/wireguide/main/screenshots/scrot2.png) ![Deactivate](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mickenordin/wireguide/main/screenshots/scrot3.png)