# swayswitch A simple windowswitcher written in python using wxPython ## Dependencies For Debian/Ubuntu: ```python3-wxgtk4.0``` For Fedora/RHEL: ```python3-wxpython4``` ## Installation ### Debian ``` curl https://repo.mic.ke/PUBLIC.KEY | sudo apt-key add - curl https://repo.mic.ke/debian/debian-micke-unstable.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-micke-unstable.list sudo apt update && sudo apt install swayswitch ``` ### RPM ``` wget https://repo.mic.ke/PUBLIC.KEY sudo rpm --import PUBLIC.KEY sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://repo.mic.ke/rpm/rpm-micke.repo sudo dnf install swayswitch ``` ## Usage Reload config and open up window switcher with $mod+tab. Move around the switcher using arrow-keys or Tab. Esc aborts and enter switches window. It is also possible to select window with the mouse. Configuration is installed to /etc/sway/config.d/swayswitch.conf ## Thanks Thanks to tobiaspc for the startingpoint for this code: ## Screenshot ![Open window switcher](https://github.com/mickenordin/swayswitch/blob/main/screenshots/scrot1.png)