# swayswitch A simple windowswitcher written in python using wxPython ## Dependencies For Debian/Ubuntu: ```python3-wxgtk4.0``` For Fedora/RHEL: ```python3-wxpython4``` ## Installation ``` wget -O ~/.local/bin/swayswitch https://github.com/mickenordin/swayswitch/blob/main/swayswitch chmod +x ~/.local/bin/swayswitch ``` ## Usage Add sway config to ~/.config/sway/config: ``` mode "switcher" { # Remove normal bidnings and set a dummy variable so we do something set $hello "hello" } bindsym $mod+Tab exec ~/.local/bin/swayswitch, mode "switcher" ``` Reload config and open up window switcher with $mod+tab. ## Thanks Thanks to tobiaspc for the startingpoint for this code: