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204 lines
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--# Autocorrect/abbreviation-shortcut Dictionary #
-- Just pressing space-bar after a misspelled word, will auto. change to the propper spelling|phrase.
-- Most ofthese were taken from a list of the top 100 most commonly misspelled English words.
iab ture true
iab flase false
iab kevin.
iab i I
iab teh the
iab acomodate accommodate
iab acommodate accommodate
iab accomodate accommodate
iab acheive achieve
iab aquire acquire
iab acros across
iab adres address
iab addres address
iab adress address
iab advertize advertise
iab aparent apparent
iab argumant argument
iab athete athlete
iab aweful awful
iab balkanse balance
iab bandwith bandwidth
iab basicly basically
iab basicaly basically
iab becomming becoming
iab begining beginning
iab beleive believe
iab bennefit benefit
iab briliant brilliant
iab busines business
iab calender calendar
iab carefull careful
iab catagory category
iab cieling ceiling
iab comming coming
iab citicen citizen
iab conveneince convenience
iab competittion competition
iab critisize criticize
iab develope develop
iab desprate desperate
iab diference difference
iab dilema dilemma
iab disapear disappear
iab dissapear disappear
iab distrobution distribution
iab disapoint disappoint
iab dissapoint disappoint
iab disipline discipline
iab dos does
iab duering during
iab iether either
iab embaras embarrass
iab embarass embarrass
iab embarras embarrass
iab envirenment environment
iab equiped equipped
iab exagerate exaggerate
iab excelent excellent
iab exept except
iab experiense experience
iab facsinating fascinating
iab finaly finally
iab foriegn foreign
iab fourty forty
iab fundimental fundamental
iab generaly generally
iab govermint government
iab goverment government
iab gramar grammar
iab garantee guarentee
iab giedence guidence
iab hapiness happiness
iab horedously horrendously
iab hero heroe
iab humerous humorous
iab imatation imitation
iab immitation imitation
iab imediately immediately
iab incidentaly incidentally
iab indipendent independent
iab independiny independent
iab intristing interesting
iab interfer interfere
iab interpratation interpretation
iab interuption interruption
iab irelevant irrelevant
iab irrelivant irrelevant
iab irrelevint irrelevant
iab iland island
iab jelous jealous
iab jealus jealous
iab judgement judgment
iab laboritory laboratory
iab lenth length
iab leson lesson
iab lisense license
iab lonlines lonliness
iab loseing losing
iab lieing lying
iab mariage marriage
iab marage marriage
iab mathimatics mathematics
iab mathamatics mathematics
iab medisine medicine
iab miniture miniature
iab minite minute
iab mystyrious mysterious
iab naturaly naturally
iab necesary necessary
iab nieghbor neighbor
iab niether neither
iab noticable noticeable
iab ocasion occasion
iab ocasional occasional
iab ocured occurred
iab occured occurred
iab ocurred occurred
iab oficial official
iab oftan often
iab oftin often
iab omision omission
iab oparate operate
iab opirate operate
iab optamism optimism
iab paralel parallel
iab particalary particulary
iab percieve perceive
iab perminant permanent
iab permanint permanent
iab perservere persevere
iab persavere persevere
iab persade persuade
iab personel personnel
iab peice piece
iab planing planning
iab plesant pleasant
iab politicul political
iab politacala political
iab poses possess
iab posses possess
iab posess possess
iab posible possible
iab practacle practicle
iab prafer prefer
iab prifer prefer
iab predjudice prejudice
iab presince presence
iab privalege privilege
iab privledge privilage
iab privlege privilege
iab probly probably
iab profesional professional
iab promis promise
iab psycology psychology
iab quantaty quantity
iab quartar quarter
iab realise realize
iab recieve receive
iab recognise recognize
iab recomend recommend
iab recamend recommend
iab recammend recommend
iab refrence reference
iab religus religious
iab religius religious
iab repatition repitition
iab resturant restaurant
iab rhythem rhythm
iab rhythum rhythm
iab rediculous ridiculous
iab sacrafice sacrifice
iab safty safety
iab scisors scissors
iab secratary secretary
iab shinning shining
iab simaler similar
iab soldeir soldier
iab speach speech
iab stoping stopping
iab suceed succeed
iab sucessful successful
iab sucesful successful
iab succesful successful
iab surly surely
iab tempurature temperature
iab temperary temporary
iab thruogh through
iab towrd toward
iab treis tries
iab truley truly
iab twelvth twelfth
iab usualy usually
iab vilage village
iab wierd weird
iab welcom welcome