-- :help options local options = { backup = true, -- Creates a backup file, before edits are written. clipboard = "unnamedplus", -- Allows neovim to access the system clipboard. cmdheight = 2, -- More space in the neovim command line, for displaying messages. completeopt = { "menuone", "noselect" }, -- Mostly just for cmp. conceallevel = 0, -- Added so `` is visible in markdown files. fileencoding = "utf-8", -- The encoding written to a file. hlsearch = true, -- Highlight all matches on when searching. incsearch = true, -- Turn on incremental search highlighting. ignorecase = true, -- Ignore case in search patterns. mouse = "a", -- Allow the mouse to be used in neovim. pumheight = 10, -- Pop up menu height. showtabline = 2, -- Always show tabs. smartcase = false, -- Overides ignore case, w/ capitals. Default = false. smartindent = true, -- Keep indention from line-to-line. splitbelow = true, -- Force all horizontal splits, to go below current window. splitright = true, -- Force all vertical splits, to go to the right of current window. swapfile = false, -- Creates a swapfile. termguicolors = true, -- Set terminal GUI colors. timeoutlen = 1000, -- Time to wait, for a mapped sequence to complete(in milliseconds). undofile = true, -- Enable persistent undo. undodir = "~/.config/nvim/persistant_undo_history", -- Sets the directory to store persistant-undo saves. updatetime = 300, -- Faster completion(4000ms default). writebackup = true, -- Write a backup file, before saving. expandtab = true, -- Convert tabs into spaces. shiftwidth = 4, -- The number of spaces inserted for each indentation tabstop = 4, -- Insert 2 spaces for each tab. cursorline = true, -- Highlight the current line. cursorcolumn = true, -- Enable a vertical column, that makes a code cross-hair on the current position. number = true, -- Set numbered lines. relativenumber = true, -- Set relative numbered lines. numberwidth = 4, -- set number line column width to 4(default 4). signcolumn = "yes", -- Always show the sign column, or it would shift the text each time. wrap = true, -- Wrap my code-lines on the visible screen. guifont = "monospace:h17", -- The font used in graphical neovim applications. } -- A lua for-loop to loop through the above table of options. -- A table is a list, that is allowed key, value pairs. for k, v in pairs(options) do vim.opt[k] = v end -- Did NOT fit well within the options loop above, without throwing errors and disabling the loop. vim.opt.shortmess:append "I" -- Set No Intro-message for Neo-vim. --########################################################### --# The line below will update: # --# The tab character to → unicode u2192 # --# The end of line character to ↲ unicode u21b2 # --########################################################### -- vim.wo.listchars = { space = '·',eol = '↲',tab = '→',trail= '~',extends = '>',precedes = '<' } vim.o.list = true -- Set special formatting characters to on. -- vim.o.listchars = 'eol:↲,tab:→,trail:~,precedes:<,extends:>,space:·' vim.o.listchars = 'eol:↲,trail:~,precedes:<,extends:>,space:·' -- vim.cmd Passes strings, that will be interpreted as vim-script. -- vim.cmd "set whichwrap+=<,>,[,],h,l" Want to find out what it does, before blindly enabling it. vim.cmd [[set iskeyword+=-]] -- Will treat words with a dash as part of a single word. --vim.cmd [[set formatoptions-=cro]] -- TODO: this doesn't seem to work