!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/ !_TAG_OUTPUT_EXCMD mixed /number, pattern, mixed, or combineV2/ !_TAG_OUTPUT_FILESEP slash /slash or backslash/ !_TAG_OUTPUT_MODE u-ctags /u-ctags or e-ctags/ !_TAG_PATTERN_LENGTH_LIMIT 96 /0 for no limit/ !_TAG_PROC_CWD /home/binx/Repositories/Neovim-from-scratch/ // !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Universal Ctags Team // !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Universal Ctags /Derived from Exuberant Ctags/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL https://ctags.io/ /official site/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 5.9.0 // Get healthy README.md /^## Get healthy$/;" s chapter:Neovim from scratch M.on_attach lua/user/lsp/handlers.lua /^M.on_attach = function(client, bufnr)$/;" f M.setup lua/user/lsp/handlers.lua /^M.setup = function()$/;" f Neovim from scratch README.md /^# Neovim from scratch$/;" c Try out this config README.md /^## Try out this config$/;" s chapter:Neovim from scratch [""] lua/user/cmp.lua /^ [""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)$/;" f [""] lua/user/cmp.lua /^ [""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)$/;" f _G.set_terminal_keymaps lua/user/toggleterm.lua /^function _G.set_terminal_keymaps()$/;" f _HTOP_TOGGLE lua/user/toggleterm.lua /^function _HTOP_TOGGLE()$/;" f _LAZYGIT_TOGGLE lua/user/toggleterm.lua /^function _LAZYGIT_TOGGLE()$/;" f _NCDU_TOGGLE lua/user/toggleterm.lua /^function _NCDU_TOGGLE()$/;" f _NODE_TOGGLE lua/user/toggleterm.lua /^function _NODE_TOGGLE()$/;" f _PYTHON_TOGGLE lua/user/toggleterm.lua /^function _PYTHON_TOGGLE()$/;" f check_backspace lua/user/cmp.lua /^local check_backspace = function()$/;" f close_command lua/user/bufferline.lua /^ close_command = "Bdelete! %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"$/;" f description lua/user/lsp/settings/jsonls.lua /^ description = "The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM, previously known as Project Fl/;" f expand lua/user/cmp.lua /^ expand = function(args)$/;" f extend lua/user/lsp/settings/jsonls.lua /^local function extend(tab1, tab2)$/;" f fmt lua/user/lualine.lua /^ fmt = function(str)$/;" f footer lua/user/alpha.lua /^local function footer()$/;" f format lua/user/cmp.lua /^ format = function(entry, vim_item)$/;" f hide_in_width lua/user/lualine.lua /^local hide_in_width = function()$/;" f left_mouse_command lua/user/bufferline.lua /^ left_mouse_command = "buffer %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"$/;" f lsp_highlight_document lua/user/lsp/handlers.lua /^local function lsp_highlight_document(client)$/;" f lsp_keymaps lua/user/lsp/handlers.lua /^local function lsp_keymaps(bufnr)$/;" f middle_mouse_command lua/user/bufferline.lua /^ middle_mouse_command = nil, -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"$/;" f numbers lua/user/bufferline.lua /^ numbers = "none", -- | "ordinal" | "buffer_id" | "both" | function({ ordinal, id, lower, rai/;" f open_fn lua/user/plugins.lua /^ open_fn = function()$/;" f pre_hook lua/user/comment.lua /^ pre_hook = function(ctx)$/;" f progress lua/user/lualine.lua /^local progress = function()$/;" f right_mouse_command lua/user/bufferline.lua /^ right_mouse_command = "Bdelete! %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"$/;" f spaces lua/user/lualine.lua /^local spaces = function()$/;" f