A bunch of these were from my originial .vimrc, that eventually became
part of my init.vim inside of Neo-vim.
Plugins include:
~ vim-airline Added for a better looking status bar. If I can just get the
color-scheme switched to gruvbox, Airline follows along.
~ vim-startify My favorite vim dashboard app.
I will need to Add bookmards manually to my code-patches(locations),
but damn if that ascii-cow hasn't inspired me!!!
~ vim-indentline Added so I could better view how code lines up.
This plugin will have to add a configuration variable to be setup with
multi-tiered indention.
~ awesome-vim-color-schemes Cool color schemes, which has
gruvbox(my-prefered); but does not have code-dark(B) or bad-wolf(FCG).
~ Developer icons for showing better status-lines, and file-manager file
icons, based on project/language.
~ Also added the surround tpope plugin for working with tags and
code-boundaries. I know it's not overtly visual, but is when you get
started using it.