You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

17 lines
641 B

-- Below is the sourced file where I keep most of my general options.
-- Please remember the lua @ the begining & end of the string are implied.
-- In other words "user.abbrs" is the same as "lua.user.abbrs" | "user.abbrs.lua" | "lua.user.abbrs.lua".
3 years ago
require "user.options"
<<<<<<< HEAD
-- I have auto-commands for cursor-file persistance,
-- auto. vertically centering, & auto-saving text-folds.
require "user.autocmds"
-- Abbreviations for manual text-replacements.
-- Populated mostly with a top 100 list of commonly misspelled words.
require "user.abbrs"
3 years ago
require "user.keymaps"
3 years ago
>>>>>>> e1ac27496fccd2e0accb79c6ac2097865feff14b