You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

133 lines
6.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
from enum import Enum, auto
from nag_object import NagObject, NagObjectType
class ParserState(Enum):
DEFINE = auto()
DIRECTIVE = auto()
MULTILINE = auto()
class NagParse:
def __init__(self, config_files: list[str]):
self.m_config_files: list[str] = config_files
self.m_commands: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_contacts: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_contactgroups: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_hosts: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_hostdependencies: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_hostescalations: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_hostgroups: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_services: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_servicedependencies: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_serviceescalations: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_servicegroups: list[NagObject] = list()
self.m_timeperiods: list[NagObject] = list()
for config_file in self.m_config_files:
for object in self.parse_config(config_file):
match object.m_type:
case NagObjectType.Command:
case NagObjectType.Contact:
case NagObjectType.ContactGroup:
case NagObjectType.Host:
case NagObjectType.HostDependency:
case NagObjectType.HostEscalation:
case NagObjectType.HostGroup:
case NagObjectType.Service:
case NagObjectType.ServiceDependency:
case NagObjectType.ServiceEscalation:
case NagObjectType.ServiceGroup:
case NagObjectType.TimePeriod:
def __str__(self):
string = str()
for fragment in self.m_commands:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_contacts:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_contactgroups:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_hosts:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_hostdependencies:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_hostescalations:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_hostgroups:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_services:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_servicedependencies:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_serviceescalations:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_servicegroups:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
for fragment in self.m_timeperiods:
string += str(fragment) + "\n"
return string
def parse_config(self,config_file: str) -> list[NagObject]:
state = ParserState.DEFINE
objects: list[NagObject] = list()
with open(config_file, 'r') as file_handle:
line_no = 0
cur_object = NagObject(config_file=config_file)
for rawline in file_handle.readlines():
# Clean up the config
line = re.sub(r'([a-z]){', r'\1 {',rawline.strip())
#line = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z0-9])}', r'\1\n}',line.strip())
#line = re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z0-9]) }', r'\1\n}',line.strip())
line_no += 1
# This means it is a comment, we might want to save those later on
if len(line) == 0 or re.match('^[\t ]*[#]+', line):
# This means we are done parsing and should reset for new object
if re.match(r'}', line):
del cur_object
state = ParserState.DEFINE
#if we get here it is not a comment and not the end of an object
fragments: list[str] = re.sub(' +', ' ', line.strip()).split()
# This is a new object and we should see what type it is, and what line number it is on
if state == ParserState.DEFINE:
if fragments[0] == 'define':
cur_object = NagObject(config_file=config_file, directives=list())
cur_object.m_line_no = line_no
cur_object.m_type = NagObjectType(fragments[1])
# For the next line we should be in DIRECTIVE state
state = ParserState.DIRECTIVE
print("It's fucked up man")
# This is the DIRECTIVE state, where we want to collect key, values and find out if we should go to multiline mode
elif state == ParserState.DIRECTIVE:
if fragments[-1][-1] == '\\':
state = ParserState.MULTILINE
if re.match('^[a-z]+', fragments[0]):
[fragments[0], " ".join(fragments[1:])])
# This is the MULTILINE state, directives can be on many lines if the '\n' is escaped with '\'
elif state == ParserState.MULTILINE:
cur_object.m_directives[-1][1] = cur_object.m_directives[-1][1].strip('\\') + ' ' + " ".join(fragments)
if fragments[-1][-1] != '\\':
state = ParserState.DIRECTIVE
print("It's fucked up man")
return objects