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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class cnumber {
int r, i;
bool signr, signi;
bool get_sign(int i) {
return (i >= 0);
// Constructor
cnumber(int a, int b) {
r = a;
i = b;
signr = get_sign(r);
signi = get_sign(i);
// Member functions
cnumber conjugate() {
cnumber z(this->r, this->i * -1);
return z;
// Operators
cnumber operator+(const cnumber &that) {
8 years ago
cnumber z(that.r + this->r, that.i + this->i);
return z;
cnumber operator*(const cnumber &that) {
cnumber z( (that.r * this->r ) - (that.i * this->i) , (that.r * this->i) + (this->r * that.i) );
return z;
friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &os, const cnumber &z ) {
8 years ago
os << z.r << (z.signi ? '+' : '\0' ) << z.i << 'i';
return os;
void operator=(const cnumber &z ) {
r = z.r;
i = z.i;
signr = z.signr;
signi = z.signi;