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# knot.nvim
knot.nvim is a plugin for [Neovim ]( ) that provides a way to view and edit DNS records using [knot ]( ) via [knotctl ]( ).
## Installation
With [lazy.nvim ]( ):
dependencies = {
config = function()
## Dependencies
You need to have [knotctl ]( ) installed and configured on your system.
If knotctl works for you in your terminal, it should work in this plugin as well.
## Usage
This plugin provides a Telescope picker for viewing and editing DNS records. You can summon it with:
:Telescope telescope_knot
or add a mapping:
nnoremap < leader > k :Telescope telescope_knot< cr >
You can edit the record and when saving it with `:w` you will be asked to confirm. You can quit the buffer with `:q` or `q` to discard changes.
## Screenshots
### The finder and previewer
![Viewer ]( )
### Editing a record
![Editor ]( )