gMNd has a config file in yaml format that you can supply on the command line with either of these options -f --file This is the example config, supplied with the server ``` --- allow_dir_list: true listen_addr: '' logg_level: 'DEBUG' cgi_registry: /envtest.*: - ./cgi-bin/ ``` This enables directory indexing, sets the listen address to (all interfaces), the log level to DEBUG and registres the scrip ./cgi-bin/ to serv content for any path that matches the regex /envtest.*. A full list of options are here: ``` allow_dir_list = true/false, default false base_path = the server root where you serve content from, default ./content cgi_registry = you can set different cgi scripts to server content for different paths, no default listen_addr = the ip address to listen to, default listen_port = the port to listen to, default 1965 logg_level = any of "CRITICAL", "DEBUG", "ERROR", "INFO", "NOTSET", "WARNING", defult is INFO server_cert = the path to the TLS cert, default ./certs/cert.pem server_key = the path to the TLS key, default ./certs/cert.key ``` .. => gemini:// back to gmnd/docs/