diff --git a/gmnd/docs/configure.gmi b/gmnd/docs/configure.gmi index 001f188..8ce7406 100644 --- a/gmnd/docs/configure.gmi +++ b/gmnd/docs/configure.gmi @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ base_path: /var/gemini/gemtext server_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem server_key: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key ``` -This enables directory indexing, sets the listen address to (all interfaces), the log level to DEBUG and registers the script ./cgi-bin/envtest.sh to serve content for any path that matches the regex /envtest.*. +If you uncomment the options it enables directory indexing, sets the listen address to (all interfaces), the log level to DEBUG and registers the script ./cgi-bin/envtest.sh to serve content for any path that matches the regex /envtest.*. Notice that snakeoil certs won't actually work, you should generate your own certificates. This is a guide that should wortkll for you: => gemini://republic.circumlunar.space/users/andybalaam/blogmirror/2019-05-02_creating_a_self_signed_certificate_for_apache_and_connecting_to_i.gmi