#!/usr/bin/env python from numpy import matrix import sys import time class Board(): # Board should be a n x n matix of cells that describes a flat torus def __init__(self, cells=None): if cells is None: self.cells = self.from_file("board.txt") self.shape = self.cells.shape else: self.cells = cells self.shape = cells.shape def __str__(self): string = "" shape = self.shape for row in range(shape[0]): for i in range(shape[1]): cell = self.cells.item(row,i) string = string + str(cell) + ' ' string = string + '\n' return string[:-2] def from_file(self, file_name): self.save_file = open(file_name,'r') rowc = 0 board = [] for row in self.save_file: board.append([]) cellc = 0 for cell in row[:-1].split(','): board[rowc].append( Cell(rowc,cellc,bool(int(cell))) ) cellc = cellc + 1 rowc = rowc + 1 return matrix(board) def get_neighbours(self, cell): # It is from the neighbours that we know we are on a torus my_row = cell.x my_col = cell.y row = self.shape[0] -1 col = self.shape[1] -1 first_row = my_row - 1 first_col = my_col - 1 last_row = my_row + 1 last_col = my_col + 1 if my_row == 0: first_row = row if my_col == 0: first_col = col if my_row == row: last_row = 0 if my_col == col: last_col = 0 return MooreN( [ self.cells.item(first_row,first_col), self.cells.item(first_row,my_col), self.cells.item(first_row,last_col), self.cells.item(my_row,first_col), self.cells.item(my_row,last_col), self.cells.item(last_row,first_col), self.cells.item(last_row,my_col), self.cells.item(last_row,last_col) ], cell) def next_gen(self): board = [] shape = self.shape for row in range(shape[0]): board.append([]) for col in range(shape[1]): cell = self.cells.item(row,col) board[row].append( Cell( row, col , self.get_neighbours(cell).is_alive() ) ) return Board(matrix (board)) class Cell: # A cell is either dead or alive and has coordinates def __init__(self, x, y, alive): self.x = x self.y = y self.alive = alive def __str__(self): if self.alive: return "*" else: return " " def kill(self): self.alive = False def hatch(self): self.alive = True class MooreN: # Moore Neighbourhood is all eight cells surrounding a central cell # *** # * * # *** def __init__(self, cells, cell): self.cells = cells self.cell = cell def __str__(self): string = "" for cell in self.cells: string = string + str(cell) + '\n' return string[:-1] def count(self): count = 0 for cell in self.cells: if cell.alive: count = count + 1 return count def is_alive(self): if self.cell.alive: if self.count() == 2 or self.count() == 3: return True else: return False else: if self.count() == 3: return True else: return False board = Board() while True: print("\033[H\033[J") print(board) time.sleep(0.3) board = board.next_gen()