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6 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
from numpy import matrix
import sys
import time
class Board():
# Board should be a n x m matix of cells that describes a flat torus
def __init__(self, cells=None):
if cells is None:
self.cells = self.from_file("board.txt")
self.shape = self.cells.shape
self.cells = cells
self.shape = cells.shape
def __str__(self):
string = ""
shape = self.shape
for row in range(shape[0]):
for i in range(shape[1]):
cell = self.cells.item(row,i)
string = string + str(cell) + ' '
string = string + '\n'
return string[:-2]
def from_file(self, file_name):
self.save_file = open(file_name,'r')
rowc = 0
board = []
for row in self.save_file:
cellc = 0
for cell in row[:-1]:
board[rowc].append( Cell(rowc,cellc,bool(int(cell))) )
cellc = cellc + 1
rowc = rowc + 1
return matrix(board)
def get_neighbours(self, cell):
# It is from the neighbours that we know we are on a torus
my_row = cell.x
my_col = cell.y
row = self.shape[0] -1
col = self.shape[1] -1
first_row = my_row - 1
first_col = my_col - 1
last_row = my_row + 1
last_col = my_col + 1
if my_row == 0:
first_row = row
if my_col == 0:
first_col = col
if my_row == row:
last_row = 0
if my_col == col:
last_col = 0
return MooreN( [ self.cells.item(first_row,first_col), self.cells.item(first_row,my_col), self.cells.item(first_row,last_col),
self.cells.item(my_row,first_col), self.cells.item(my_row,last_col), self.cells.item(last_row,first_col),
self.cells.item(last_row,my_col), self.cells.item(last_row,last_col) ], cell)
def next_gen(self):
board = []
shape = self.shape
for row in range(shape[0]):
for col in range(shape[1]):
cell = self.cells.item(row,col)
board[row].append( Cell( row, col , self.get_neighbours(cell).is_alive() ) )
return Board(matrix (board))
class Cell:
# A cell is either dead or alive and has coordinates
def __init__(self, x, y, alive):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.alive = alive
def __str__(self):
if self.alive:
return "*"
return " "
class MooreN:
# Moore Neighbourhood is all eight cells surrounding a central cell
# ***
# * *
# ***
def __init__(self, cells, cell):
self.cells = cells
self.cell = cell
def __str__(self):
string = ""
for cell in self.cells:
string = string + str(cell) + '\n'
return string[:-1]
def count(self):
count = 0
for cell in self.cells:
if cell.alive:
count = count + 1
return count
def is_alive(self):
if self.cell.alive:
if self.count() == 2 or self.count() == 3:
return True
return False
if self.count() == 3:
return True
return False
board = Board()
while True:
board = board.next_gen()