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43 lines
583 B

# Set font
font = VictorMono Nerd Font Mono:style=Regular:size=10
# Atelierdune theme
# Opacity
alpha = 0.8
foreground = 8ca68c
background = 131513
# black
regular0 = 131513
bright0 = 687d68
# red
regular1 = e6193c
bright1 = e6193c
# green
regular2 = 29a329
bright2 = 29a329
# yellow
regular3 = c3c322
bright3 = c3c322
# blue
regular4 = 3d62f5
bright4 = 3d62f5
# magenta
regular5 = ad2bee
bright5 = ad2bee
# cyan
regular6 = 1999b3
bright6 = 1999b3
# white
regular7 = 8ca68c
bright7 = f0fff0