
This commit is contained in:
Mikael Nordin 2016-09-10 13:09:40 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 5e9ad11296
commit 85bd4a755f

130 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Sys::Hostname;
# We need a common directory for our nodes to write and read state from plus a couple of cronfiles
my ($electiondir, $cronfile, $sharedcronfile) = @_;
unless (-d $electiondir) {
mkdir $electiondir;
# We need our name
my $hostname = hostname;
# We also need to know the time
my $time = time;
# Get the nodes in the cluster
sub get_nodes {
# Our data type is a hash with the following fields
# name, time, numeric
my @nodes = ();
my @files = <$electiondir/*>;
foreach my $filename (@files) {
my $node = {};
open(FILE, "<$filename") or die "Could not open file: $!";
$filename =~ s/^$electiondir\///;
$node->{'name'} = $filename;
my $content = <FILE>;
chomp $content;
$node->{'time'} = $content;
$node->{'numeric'} = get_numeric($filename);
close FILE;
push @nodes, $node;
return @nodes;
# Simply write a unix timestamp to a file with our name on it
sub write_timestamp {
print FILE $time;
close FILE;
# Lets see if we are the active node
sub is_active {
my @nodes = @_;
# Assume you are active
my $state = 1;
# Loop all nodes
foreach my $node (@nodes) {
# Dont do anything if this is the node
unless ($node eq $node->{'name'}) {
# If it has been active in the last 120 seconds it is eligable
my $diff = $time - $node->{'time'};
if( $diff < 120 ) {
# Go to passive mode if the numeric of that host is less than that of this host
if( get_numeric($hostname) > $node->{'numeric'} ) {
$state = 0 ;
return $state;
# Turn a hostname in to a decimal number used for comparison, lowest numer gets to be active if it is working
sub get_numeric {
my ($host) = @_;
my @ascii = unpack 'C*', $host;
my $numeric = '';
foreach my $val (@ascii) {
$numeric .= $val;
return $numeric + 0;
# But a # infront of any actime crontab entry
sub comment_out {
my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
my $content = '';
while(my $line = <INFILE>) {
$line =~ s/(^(?!#))/#$1/g;
$content .= $line;
close INFILE;
print OUTFILE $content;
close OUTFILE;
# Remove a # from any crontab entry
sub uncomment {
my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
my $content = '';
while(my $line = <INFILE>) {
$line =~ s/^(#)([\d*])/$2/g;
$content .= $line;
close INFILE;
print OUTFILE $content;
close OUTFILE;
# Update timestamp
# See if I am the one
if (is_active(get_nodes) ){
uncomment $sharedcronfile, $cronfile;
} else {
comment_out $cronfile, $sharedcronfile;