Very broken right now
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 129 additions and 66 deletions
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use bignum;
use Sys::Hostname;
use File::Compare;
use File::Copy;
# We need a common directory for our nodes to write and read state from plus a couple of cronfiles
my ($mode, $user, $shareddir, $spooldir) = @_;
my $mode = $ARGV[0];
my $user = $ARGV[1];
my $shareddir = $ARGV[2];
my $spooldir = $ARGV[3];
print "Mode: $mode, user: $user, shareddir: $shareddir and spooldir: $spooldir\n";
# Set some defaults if we didn't get them
unless ($mode) {
unless ($mode == 0) {
# mode 0 = active/passive, mode 1 = active/active
print "Mode not set on command line, going to active/active\n";
$mode = 1;
unless ($user) {
@ -25,12 +31,18 @@ unless ($spooldir) {
my $sharedcrondir = "$shareddir/crontab";
my $cronfile = "$spooldir/$user";
my $sharedcronfile = "$sharedcrondir/$user";
my $oldsharedcronfile = "$sharedcrondir/$user.old";
my $activesharedcronfile = "$sharedcrondir/$user";
my $activecronfile = "$sharedcrondir/$";
my $passivesharedcronfile = "$sharedcrondir/$user.passive";
my $oldactivesharedcronfile = "$sharedcrondir/$user.old";
my $oldpassivesharedcronfile = "$sharedcrondir/$user.passive.old";
my $electiondir = "$sharedcrondir/election";
my $hostname = hostname;
my $time = time;
print "Host: $hostname started run at: $time\n";
# Create directories
unless (-d $sharedcrondir) {
mkdir $sharedcrondir or die "Can not create shared directory: $!";
@ -45,16 +57,21 @@ sub get_nodes {
my @nodes = ();
my @files = <$electiondir/*>;
foreach my $filename (@files) {
my $node = {};
open(FILE, "<$filename") or die "Could not open file: $!";
$filename =~ s/^$electiondir\///;
$node->{'name'} = $filename;
my $content = <FILE>;
chomp $content;
$node->{'time'} = $content;
$node->{'numeric'} = get_numeric($filename);
close FILE;
push @nodes, $node;
chomp $filename;
my $nodename = $filename;
$nodename =~ s/^$electiondir\///;
# Don't add this host
unless ($nodename eq $hostname) {
my $node = {};
open(FILE, "<$filename") or die "Could not open file: $!";
$node->{'name'} = $nodename;
my $content = <FILE>;
chomp $content;
$node->{'time'} = $content;
$node->{'numeric'} = get_numeric($nodename);
close FILE;
push @nodes, $node;
return @nodes;
@ -79,16 +96,23 @@ sub is_active {
my $state = 1;
# Loop all nodes
foreach my $node (@nodes) {
# Dont do anything if this is the node
unless ($node eq $node->{'name'}) {
# If it has been active in the last 120 seconds it is eligable
my $diff = $time - $node->{'time'};
if( $diff < 120 ) {
# Go to passive mode if the numeric of that host is less than that of this host
if( get_numeric($hostname) > $node->{'numeric'} ) {
$state = 0 ;
# If it has been active in the last 120 seconds it is eligable
my $diff = $time - $node->{'time'};
if( $diff < 120 ) {
print "Node: $node->{'name'} was active last 120 sec\n";
# Go to passive mode if the numeric of that host is less than that of this host
my $this = get_numeric($hostname);
my $that = $node->{'numeric'};
print "Numeric for $hostname is $this and for $node->{'name'} is $that\n";
if( $this > $that ) {
$state = 0 ;
print "I am not active\n";
} else {
print "I am active\n";
} else {
print "Node: $node->{'name'} was not active last 120 sec\n";
return $state;
@ -108,6 +132,7 @@ sub get_numeric {
# But a # infront of any actime crontab entry
sub comment_out {
my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
print "Commenting out, infile is $infile and outfile is $outfile\n";
my $content = '';
while(my $line = <INFILE>) {
@ -125,6 +150,7 @@ sub comment_out {
# Remove a # from any crontab entry
sub uncomment {
my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
print "Unommenting, infile is $infile and outfile is $outfile\n";
my $content = '';
while(my $line = <INFILE>) {
@ -139,8 +165,72 @@ sub uncomment {
# If we are running in active/active mode
if($mode) {
sub compare_and_copy {
my ($shared, $old, $cron) = @_;
unless ($cron) {
$cron = $cronfile;
print "Comparing files\n";
# If we don't have any cronjob on this host
unless (-e $cron) {
print "There is no cronfile on this host\e";
# If we have a cronjob on the shared drive
if (-e $shared) {
print "We have a shared cronfile\n";
copy($shared, $cron) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# If we dont have an old file
unless (-e $old) {
print "We dont have an old file so creating one\n";
copy($shared, $old) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# Nothing to do, no cronjob on any host
# If there is no cronjob on the shared drive
unless (-e $shared) {
print "There is no shared cronjobs\n";
# But we have a cronjob on this host
if (-e $cron) {
print "We have some cronjobs\n";
copy($cron, $shared) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# If we dont have an old file
unless (-e $old) {
print "There is no old cron job here som fixing that\n";
copy($cron, $old) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# Current cronfile and shared cronfile is not same
if(compare($cron, $shared) != 0) {
print "Current cronfile and shared is not the same\n";
# This means that the other node has changed the cron file
if(compare($cron, $old) == 0) {
print "Some othe rnode has changed the cron file\n";
copy($shared, $cron) or die "Copy failed: $!";
copy($shared, $old) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# All files are now the same
# This means that my node has changed the cron file
} else {
print "This node has changed the cron file\n";
copy($cron, $shared) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# The other node will now detect the difference and do the correct adjustment
# If we are running in active/passive mode
if($mode == 0) {
unless (-d $electiondir) {
mkdir $electiondir;
@ -150,53 +240,26 @@ if($mode) {
# See if I am the one
if (is_active(get_nodes) ){
uncomment $sharedcronfile, $cronfile;
# first we comment out my cronfile and put it at activecronfile
comment_out($cronfile, $activecronfile);
# Then we compare it to the oldactivesharedcronfile
compare_and_copy($activesharedcronfile, $oldactivesharedcronfile, $activecronfile );
# Now we compare the result of that to passivesharedcronfile
compare_and_copy($activesharedcronfile, $passivesharedcronfile, $activecronfile);
# Lastly we activate the result of that
uncomment($activesharedcronfile, $cronfile);
} else {
comment_out $cronfile, $sharedcronfile;
compare_and_copy($passivesharedcronfile, $oldpassivesharedcronfile);
comment_out($passivesharedcronfile, $cronfile);
uncomment($passivesharedcronfile, $activesharedcronfile);
# If we are running in actie/passive mode
# If we are running in active/active mode
else {
# If we don't have any cronjob on this host
unless (-e $cronfile) {
# If we have a cronjob on the shared drive
if (-e $sharedcronfile) {
copy($sharedcronfile, $cronfile) or die "Copy failed: $!";
copy($sharedcronfile, $oldsharedcronfile) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# Nothing to do, no cronjob on any host
# If there is no cronjob on the shared drive
unless (-e $sharedcronfile) {
# But we have a cronjob on this host
if (-e $cronfile) {
copy($cronfile, $sharedcronfile) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# Current cronfile and shared cronfile is not same
if(compare($cronfile, $sharedcronfile) != 0) {
# This means that the other node has changed the cron file
if(compare($cronfile, $oldsharedcronfile) == 0) {
copy($sharedcronfile, $cronfile) or die "Copy failed: $!";
copy($sharedcronfile, $oldsharedcronfile) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# All files are now the same
# This means that my node has changed the cron file
} else {
copy($cronfile, $sharedcronfile) or die "Copy failed: $!";
# The other node will now detect the difference and do the correct adjustment
compare_and_copy($activesharedcronfile, $oldactivesharedcronfile);
Add table
Reference in a new issue