Some comments on implementation

Mikael Nordin 8 years ago
parent b24e7dbba0
commit 4c7e1e6858

@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
# Get arguments
my $gens = $ARGV[0];
my $width = $ARGV[1];
my $rule = $ARGV[2];
# Set up all possible rules 0 - 255
# 0 = 00000000
# 1 = 00000001
# ...
# 254 = 11111110
# 255 = 11111111
my @rules;
for (my $index = 255; $index >=0; $index--) {
push @rules, [get_bin($index, 8)];
# extract the correct binary number for this position and this rule
sub get_val_at_pos {
my ($binstr) = @_;
my $pos = sprintf ('%d', $binstr);
return $rules[$rule][$pos];
# Get the binary representation of a number as an array of 1's and 0's
sub get_bin{
my ($dec, $padding) = @_;
my $bin = sprintf('%0' . $padding .'b',$dec);
@ -26,6 +33,7 @@ sub get_bin{
return @binarr;
# Set up the initial condition to be all 1's except fo one 0 in the middle
sub set_up_init {
my @init;
my $half = $width / 2;
@ -43,20 +51,26 @@ sub set_up_init {
# Print usage
sub usage {
print "$0 <number of generations> <width> <rule number (0-255)>\n";
# Some error handling
if (scalar @ARGV < 3 or $rule > 255) {
exit 1;
# Get the initial condition and print it out
my @initial = set_up_init;
print @initial;
print "\n";
# Now loop through all the generations
for (my $gen = 0; $gen < $gens; $gen++) {
# This is the next evoultion of the the automation
my @next;
for (my $elem = 0; $elem < $width ; $elem++) {
# Boundary conditions
@ -65,12 +79,18 @@ for (my $gen = 0; $gen < $gens; $gen++) {
$state = $initial[$width -1] . $initial[$elem] . $initial[$elem +1 ] ;
} elsif ($elem == $width -1 ) {
$state = $initial[$elem-1] . $initial[$elem] . $initial[0];
# Normal, we are not on the boundary
} else {
$state = $initial[$elem - 1] . $initial[$elem] . $initial[$elem +1];
# Get the corresponding value for this state
$next[$elem] = get_val_at_pos oct("0b".$state);
# The next state is now the new initial
@initial = @next;
# Print it out
print @initial;
print "\n";
exit 0
