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Micke Nordin 3b9bf3b73a
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src Bzip2 support il y a 2 ans
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ChangeLog adding support for autoconf/automake il y a 13 ans
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meson.build Update man page il y a 2 ans



This is a free implementation of the Cisco ios/asa/catalyst output modifier "begin" released under GNU GPL v.2 or any later version.

Cisco output modifiers manual


This program depends on boost/xpressive header only library as well as boost/iostreams. On RedHat(-ish) systems do:

yum install boost-devel

On debian do:

apt-get install libboost-regex-dev libboost-iostreams-dev

before installation


git clone https://code.smolnet.org/micke/begin.git
cd begin
meson build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install


begin [-z|-j] <regex> [filename]