new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5874837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.PHONY: publish
+	 flit publish
+.PHONY: deb
+	briefcase update linux system --target debian:testing
+	briefcase build linux system --target debian:testing
+	briefcase package linux system --target debian:testing
+.PHONY: clean
+	rm -rf build dist
diff --git a/knotctl/__init__.py b/knotctl/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a768fd2..0000000
--- a/knotctl/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,737 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import argparse
-import getpass
-import json
-import os
-import sys
-import urllib.parse
-from os import environ, mkdir
-from os.path import isdir, isfile, join
-from typing import Union
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-import argcomplete
-import openstack
-import openstack.config.loader
-import requests
-import yaml
-from requests.models import HTTPBasicAuth
-from simplejson.errors import JSONDecodeError as SimplejsonJSONDecodeError
-    from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError as RequestsJSONDecodeError
-except ImportError:
-    from requests.exceptions import InvalidJSONError as RequestsJSONDecodeError
-# Helper functions
-def error(description: str, error: str) -> list[dict]:
-    response = []
-    reply = {}
-    # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/406
-    reply["Code"] = 406
-    reply["Description"] = description
-    reply["Error"] = error
-    response.append(reply)
-    return response
-def get_config(config_filename: str):
-    if not isfile(config_filename):
-        print("You need to configure knotctl before proceeding")
-        run_config(config_filename)
-    with open(config_filename, "r") as fh:
-        return yaml.safe_load(fh.read())
-def get_openstack_addresses(cloud: str, name: str):
-    conn = openstack.connect(cloud=cloud)
-    # List the servers
-    server = conn.compute.find_server(name)
-    if server is None:
-        print("Server not found")
-        exit(1)
-    openstack_addresses = []
-    for network in server.addresses:
-        for address in server.addresses[network]:
-            openstack_addresses.append(address)
-    return openstack_addresses
-def nested_out(input, tabs="") -> str:
-    string = ""
-    if isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, int):
-        string += "{}\n".format(input)
-    elif isinstance(input, dict):
-        for key, value in input.items():
-            string += "{}{}: {}".format(tabs, key,
-                                        nested_out(value, tabs + " "))
-    elif isinstance(input, list):
-        for entry in input:
-            string += "{}\n{}".format(tabs, nested_out(entry, tabs + " "))
-    return string
-def output(response: list[dict], jsonout: bool = False):
-    try:
-        if jsonout:
-            print(json.dumps(response))
-        else:
-            print(nested_out(response))
-    except BrokenPipeError:
-        pass
-# Define the runner for each command
-def run_add(url: str, jsonout: bool, headers: dict):
-    parsed = split_url(url)
-    response = requests.put(url, headers=headers)
-    out = response.json()
-    if isinstance(out, list):
-        for record in out:
-            if (record["data"] == parsed["data"]
-                    and record["name"] == parsed["name"]
-                    and record["rtype"] == parsed["rtype"]):
-                output(record, jsonout)
-                break
-    else:
-        output(out, jsonout)
-def run_log(url: str, jsonout: bool, headers: dict):
-    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
-    string = response.content.decode("utf-8")
-    if jsonout:
-        out = []
-        lines = string.splitlines()
-        index = 0
-        text = ""
-        timestamp = ""
-        while index < len(lines):
-            line = lines[index]
-            index += 1
-            cur_has_timestamp = line.startswith("[")
-            next_has_timestamp = index < len(
-                lines) and lines[index].startswith("[")
-            # Simple case, just one line with timestamp
-            if cur_has_timestamp and next_has_timestamp:
-                timestamp = line.split("]")[0].split("[")[1]
-                text = line.split("]")[1].lstrip(":").strip()
-                out.append({"timestamp": timestamp, "text": text})
-                text = ""
-                timestamp = ""
-            # Start of multiline
-            elif cur_has_timestamp:
-                timestamp = line.split("]")[0].split("[")[1]
-                text = line.split("]")[1].lstrip(":").strip()
-            # End of multiline
-            elif next_has_timestamp:
-                text += f"\n{line.strip()}"
-                out.append({"timestamp": timestamp, "text": text})
-                text = ""
-                timestamp = ""
-            # Middle of multiline
-            else:
-                text += f"\n{line.strip()}"
-    else:
-        out = string
-    output(out, jsonout)
-def run_complete(shell: Union[None, str]):
-    if not shell or shell in ["bash", "zsh"]:
-        os.system("register-python-argcomplete knotctl")
-    elif shell == "fish":
-        os.system("register-python-argcomplete --shell fish knotctl")
-    elif shell == "tcsh":
-        os.system("register-python-argcomplete --shell tcsh knotctl")
-def run_config(
-    config_filename: str,
-    context: Union[None, str] = None,
-    baseurl: Union[None, str] = None,
-    list_config: bool = False,
-    username: Union[None, str] = None,
-    password: Union[None, str] = None,
-    current: Union[None, str] = None,
-    if current:
-        if os.path.islink(config_filename):
-            actual_path = os.readlink(config_filename)
-            print(actual_path.split("-")[-1])
-        else:
-            print("none")
-        return
-    config = {"baseurl": baseurl, "username": username, "password": password}
-    needed = []
-    if context:
-        symlink = f"{config_filename}-{context}"
-        found = os.path.isfile(symlink)
-        if os.path.islink(config_filename):
-            os.remove(config_filename)
-        elif os.path.isfile(config_filename):
-            os.rename(config_filename, symlink)
-        os.symlink(symlink, config_filename)
-        config_filename = symlink
-        if found:
-            return
-    if list_config:
-        config_data = get_config(config_filename)
-        config_data.pop("password", None)
-        output(config_data)
-        return
-    if not baseurl:
-        needed.append("baseurl")
-    if not username:
-        needed.append("username")
-    for need in needed:
-        if need == "":
-            output(
-                error(
-                    "Can not configure without {}".format(need),
-                    "No {}".format(need),
-                ))
-            sys.exit(1)
-        config[need] = input("Enter {}: ".format(need))
-    if not password:
-        try:
-            config["password"] = getpass.getpass()
-        except EOFError:
-            output(error("Can not configure without password", "No password"))
-            sys.exit(1)
-    with open(config_filename, "w") as fh:
-        fh.write(yaml.dump(config))
-def run_delete(url: str, jsonout: bool, headers: dict):
-    response = requests.delete(url, headers=headers)
-    reply = response.json()
-    if not reply and response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
-        reply = [{"Code": 200, "Description": "{} deleted".format(url)}]
-    output(reply, jsonout)
-def run_list(url: str,
-             jsonout: bool,
-             headers: dict,
-             ret=False) -> Union[None, str]:
-    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
-    string = response.json()
-    if ret:
-        return string
-    else:
-        output(string, jsonout)
-def run_openstack_sync(cloud: str, name: str, zone: str, headers: dict,
-                       baseurl: str, jsonout: bool):
-    url = setup_url(
-        baseurl,
-        None,  # arguments,
-        None,  # data,
-        name,
-        None,  # rtype,
-        None,  # ttl,
-        zone,
-    )
-    current_records = run_list(url, jsonout=True, headers=headers, ret=True)
-    openstack_addresses = get_openstack_addresses(cloud, name)
-    if current_records["Code"] == 404:
-        for address in openstack_addresses:
-            rtype = None
-            if address["version"] == 4:
-                rtype = "A"
-            elif address["version"] == 6:
-                rtype = "AAAA"
-            if rtype:
-                url = setup_url(
-                    baseurl,
-                    None,  # arguments,
-                    address["addr"],  # data,
-                    name,
-                    rtype,
-                    None,  # ttl,
-                    zone,
-                )
-                run_add(url, jsonout, headers)
-    else:
-        previpv4 = False
-        previpv6 = False
-        curripv4 = False
-        curripv6 = False
-        for record in current_records:
-            if record.type == "A":
-                previpv4 = record.data
-            elif record.type == "AAAA":
-                previpv6 = record.data
-            for address in openstack_addresses:
-                rtype = None
-                if address.version == 4:
-                    rtype = "A"
-                    curripv4 = True
-                elif address.version == 6:
-                    rtype = "AAAA"
-                    curripv6 = True
-                if rtype and recor.type == rtype:
-                    if record.data == address.addr:
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        url = setup_url(
-                            baseurl,
-                            None,  # arguments,
-                            address.addr,  # data,
-                            name,
-                            record.type,
-                            None,  # ttl,
-                            zone,
-                        )
-                        run_update(url, jsonout, headers)
-        if previpv4 and not curripv4:
-            url = setup_url(
-                baseurl,
-                None,  # arguments,
-                previpv4,  # data,
-                name,
-                "A",
-                None,  # ttl,
-                zone,
-            )
-            run_delete(url, jsonout, headers)
-        if previpv6 and not curripv6:
-            url = setup_url(
-                baseurl,
-                None,  # arguments,
-                previpv6,  # data,
-                name,
-                "AAAA",
-                None,  # ttl,
-                zone,
-            )
-            run_delete(url, jsonout, headers)
-        if curripv4 and not previpv4:
-            url = setup_url(
-                baseurl,
-                None,  # arguments,
-                curripv4,  # data,
-                name,
-                "A",
-                None,  # ttl,
-                zone,
-            )
-            run_add(url, jsonout, headers)
-        if curripv6 and not previpv6:
-            url = setup_url(
-                baseurl,
-                None,  # arguments,
-                curripv6,  # data,
-                name,
-                "AAAA",
-                None,  # ttl,
-                zone,
-            )
-            run_add(url, jsonout, headers)
-def run_update(url: str, jsonout: bool, headers: dict):
-    response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers)
-    output(response.json(), jsonout)
-def run_zone(url: str,
-             jsonout: bool,
-             headers: dict,
-             ret=False) -> Union[None, str]:
-    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
-    zones = response.json()
-    for zone in zones:
-        del zone["records"]
-    string = zones
-    if ret:
-        return string
-    else:
-        output(string, jsonout)
-# Set up the url
-def setup_url(
-    baseurl: str,
-    arguments: Union[None, list[str]],
-    data: Union[None, str],
-    name: Union[None, str],
-    rtype: Union[None, str],
-    ttl: Union[None, str],
-    zone: Union[None, str],
-) -> str:
-    url = baseurl + "/zones"
-    if zone:
-        if not zone.endswith("."):
-            zone += "."
-        url += "/{}".format(zone)
-    if name and zone:
-        if name.endswith(zone.rstrip(".")):
-            name += "."
-        url += "/records/{}".format(name)
-    if zone and name and rtype:
-        url += "/{}".format(rtype)
-    if data and zone and name and rtype:
-        url += "/{}".format(data)
-    if ttl and data and zone and name and rtype:
-        url += "/{}".format(ttl)
-    if data and zone and name and rtype and arguments:
-        url += "?"
-        for arg in arguments:
-            if not url.endswith("?"):
-                url += "&"
-            key, value = arg.split("=")
-            url += key + "=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(value)
-    if ttl and (not rtype or not name or not zone):
-        output(
-            error(
-                "ttl only makes sense with rtype, name and zone",
-                "Missing parameter",
-            ))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if rtype and (not name or not zone):
-        output(
-            error(
-                "rtype only makes sense with name and zone",
-                "Missing parameter",
-            ))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if name and not zone:
-        output(error("name only makes sense with a zone", "Missing parameter"))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return url
-def split_url(url: str) -> dict:
-    parsed = urlparse(url, allow_fragments=False)
-    path = parsed.path
-    query = parsed.query
-    arguments: Union[None, list[str]] = query.split("&")
-    path_arr = path.split("/")
-    data: Union[None, str] = None
-    name: Union[None, str] = None
-    rtype: Union[None, str] = None
-    ttl: Union[None, str] = None
-    zone: Union[None, str] = None
-    if len(path_arr) > 2:
-        zone = path_arr[2]
-    if len(path_arr) > 4:
-        name = path_arr[4]
-    if len(path_arr) > 5:
-        rtype = path_arr[5]
-    if len(path_arr) > 6:
-        data = path_arr[6]
-    if len(path_arr) > 7:
-        ttl = path_arr[7]
-    return {
-        "arguments": arguments,
-        "data": data,
-        "name": name,
-        "rtype": rtype,
-        "ttl": ttl,
-        "zone": zone,
-    }
-def get_parser() -> dict:
-    description = """Manage DNS records with knot dns rest api:
-        * https://gitlab.nic.cz/knot/knot-dns-rest"""
-    epilog = """
-    The Domain Name System specifies a database of information
-    elements for network resources. The types of information
-    elements are categorized and organized with a list of DNS
-    record types, the resource records (RRs). Each record has a
-    name, a type, an expiration time (time to live), and
-    type-specific data.
-    The following is a list of terms used in this program:
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    | Vocabulary | Description                                     |
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    | zone       | A DNS zone is a specific portion of the DNS     |
-    |            | namespace in the Domain Name System (DNS),      |
-    |            | which a specific organization or administrator  |
-    |            | manages.                                        |
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    | name       | In the Internet, a domain name is a string that |
-    |            | identifies a realm of administrative autonomy,  |
-    |            | authority or control. Domain names are often    |
-    |            | used to identify services provided through the  |
-    |            | Internet, such as websites, email services and  |
-    |            | more.                                           |
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    | rtype      | A record type indicates the format of the data  |
-    |            | and it gives a hint of its intended use. For    |
-    |            | example, the A record is used to translate from |
-    |            | a domain name to an IPv4 address, the NS record |
-    |            | lists which name servers can answer lookups on  |
-    |            | a DNS zone, and the MX record specifies the     |
-    |            | mail server used to handle mail for a domain    |
-    |            | specified in an e-mail address.                 |
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    | data       | A records data is of type-specific relevance,   |
-    |            | such as the IP address for address records, or  |
-    |            | the priority and hostname for MX records.       |
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    This information was compiled from Wikipedia:
-       * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_zone
-       * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System
-       * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_file
-    """
-    # Grab user input
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description=description,
-        epilog=epilog,
-        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
-    )
-    parser.add_argument("--json", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)
-    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command")
-    add_description = "Add a new record to the zone."
-    addcmd = subparsers.add_parser("add", description=add_description)
-    addcmd.add_argument("-d", "--data", required=True)
-    addcmd.add_argument("-n", "--name", required=True)
-    addcmd.add_argument("-r", "--rtype", required=True)
-    addcmd.add_argument("-t", "--ttl")
-    addcmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
-    auditlog_description = "Audit the log file for errors."
-    subparsers.add_parser("auditlog", description=auditlog_description)
-    changelog_description = "View the changelog of a zone."
-    changelogcmd = subparsers.add_parser("changelog",
-                                         description=changelog_description)
-    changelogcmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
-    complete_description = "Generate shell completion script."
-    completecmd = subparsers.add_parser("completion",
-                                        description=complete_description)
-    completecmd.add_argument("-s", "--shell")
-    config_description = "Configure access to knot-dns-rest-api."
-    configcmd = subparsers.add_parser("config", description=config_description)
-    configcmd.add_argument("-b", "--baseurl")
-    configcmd.add_argument("-c", "--context")
-    configcmd.add_argument("-C",
-                           "--current",
-                           action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)
-    configcmd.add_argument("-l",
-                           "--list",
-                           action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,
-                           dest="list_config")
-    configcmd.add_argument("-p", "--password")
-    configcmd.add_argument("-u", "--username")
-    delete_description = "Delete a record from the zone."
-    deletecmd = subparsers.add_parser("delete", description=delete_description)
-    deletecmd.add_argument("-d", "--data")
-    deletecmd.add_argument("-n", "--name")
-    deletecmd.add_argument("-r", "--rtype")
-    deletecmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
-    list_description = "List records."
-    listcmd = subparsers.add_parser("list", description=list_description)
-    listcmd.add_argument("-d", "--data")
-    listcmd.add_argument("-n", "--name")
-    listcmd.add_argument("-r", "--rtype")
-    listcmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=False)
-    openstack_description = "Sync records with openstack."
-    openstackcmd = subparsers.add_parser("openstack-sync",
-                                         description=openstack_description)
-    openstackcmd.add_argument("-n", "--name", required=True)
-    openstackcmd.add_argument("-c", "--cloud", required=True)
-    openstackcmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
-    user_description = "View user information."
-    usercmd = subparsers.add_parser("user", description=user_description)
-    usercmd.add_argument("-u", "--username", default=None)
-    update_description = (
-        "Update a record in the zone. The record must exist in the zone.\n")
-    update_description += (
-        "In this case --data, --name, --rtype and --ttl switches are used\n")
-    update_description += (
-        "for searching for the appropriate record, while the --argument\n")
-    update_description += "switches are used for updating the record."
-    update_epilog = """Available arguments are:
-    data: New record data.
-    name: New record domain name.
-    rtype: New record type.
-    ttl: New record time to live (TTL)."""
-    updatecmd = subparsers.add_parser(
-        "update",
-        description=update_description,
-        epilog=update_epilog,
-        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
-    )
-    updatecmd.add_argument(
-        "-a",
-        "--argument",
-        action="append",
-        metavar="KEY=VALUE",
-        help="Specify key - value pairs to be updated: name=dns1.example.com."
-        + " or data= for example. --argument can be repeated",
-        required=True,
-    )
-    updatecmd.add_argument("-d", "--data", required=True)
-    updatecmd.add_argument("-n", "--name", required=True)
-    updatecmd.add_argument("-r", "--rtype", required=True)
-    updatecmd.add_argument("-t", "--ttl")
-    updatecmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
-    zone_description = "View zones."
-    subparsers.add_parser("zone", description=zone_description)
-    argcomplete.autocomplete(parser)
-    return parser
-def get_token(config) -> str:
-    # Authenticate
-    baseurl = config["baseurl"]
-    username = config["username"]
-    password = config["password"]
-    basic = HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
-    response = requests.get(baseurl + "/user/login", auth=basic)
-    token = ""
-    try:
-        token = response.json()["token"]
-    except KeyError:
-        output(response.json())
-    except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError:
-        output(
-            error("Could not decode api response as JSON", "Could not decode"))
-    return token
-def run(url, args, headers, baseurl, parser, username):
-    try:
-        if args.command == "add":
-            run_add(url, args.json, headers)
-        elif args.command == "delete":
-            run_delete(url, args.json, headers)
-        elif args.command == "list":
-            run_list(url, args.json, headers)
-        elif args.command == "update":
-            run_update(url, args.json, headers)
-        elif args.command == "user":
-            url = baseurl + f"/user/info/{username}"
-            run_list(url, args.json, headers)
-        elif args.command == "auditlog":
-            url = baseurl + "/user/auditlog"
-            run_log(url, args.json, headers)
-        elif args.command == "changelog":
-            url = baseurl + f"/zones/changelog/{args.zone.rstrip('.')}"
-            run_log(url, args.json, headers)
-        elif args.command == "zone":
-            url = baseurl + "/zones"
-            run_zone(url, args.json, headers)
-        elif args.command == "openstack-sync":
-            run_openstack_sync(args.cloud, args.name, args.zone, headers,
-                               baseurl, args.json)
-        else:
-            parser.print_help(sys.stderr)
-            return 2
-    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
-        output(error(e, "Could not connect to server"))
-    except (RequestsJSONDecodeError, SimplejsonJSONDecodeError):
-        output(
-            error("Could not decode api response as JSON", "Could not decode"))
-    return 0
-# Entry point to program
-def main() -> int:
-    parser = get_parser()
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.command == "completion":
-        run_complete(args.shell)
-        return 0
-    # Make sure we have config
-    config_basepath = join(environ["HOME"], ".knot")
-    config_filename = join(config_basepath, "config")
-    if not isdir(config_basepath):
-        mkdir(config_basepath)
-    if args.command == "config":
-        run_config(
-            config_filename,
-            args.context,
-            args.baseurl,
-            args.list_config,
-            args.username,
-            args.password,
-            args.current,
-        )
-        return 0
-    config = get_config(config_filename)
-    baseurl = config["baseurl"]
-    token = get_token(config)
-    if token == "":
-        print("Could not get token, exiting")
-        return 1
-    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)}
-    # Route based on command
-    url = ""
-    ttl = None
-    user = config["username"]
-    if "ttl" in args:
-        ttl = args.ttl
-    if args.command != "update":
-        args.argument = None
-    if args.command == "add" and not ttl:
-        if args.zone.endswith("."):
-            zname = args.zone
-        else:
-            zname = args.zone + "."
-        soa_url = setup_url(baseurl, None, None, zname, "SOA", None, args.zone)
-        soa_json = run_list(soa_url, True, headers, ret=True)
-        ttl = soa_json[0]["ttl"]
-    if args.command == "user":
-        if args.username:
-            user = args.username
-    if args.command in [
-            "auditlog", "changelog", "openstack-sync", "user", "zone"
-    ]:
-        pass
-    else:
-        try:
-            url = setup_url(
-                baseurl,
-                args.argument,
-                args.data,
-                args.name,
-                args.rtype,
-                ttl,
-                args.zone,
-            )
-        except AttributeError:
-            parser.print_help(sys.stderr)
-            return 1
-    return run(url, args, headers, baseurl, parser, user)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index cef6614..5313ea5 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ classifiers=[
         "Operating System :: OS Independent",
 requires-python= ">=3.9"
-version = "0.1.1"
+version = "0.1.2"
 dependencies = [
+  "openstacksdk==4.2.0",
@@ -34,4 +35,28 @@ knotctl="knotctl:main"
-include = ["LICENSE",]
+include = ["LICENSE", "README.md"]
+project_name = "knotctl"
+bundle = "org.smolnet"
+version = "0.1.2"
+formal_name = "knotctl"
+description = "A CLI for knotapi."
+long_description = "A CLI for knotapi."
+sources = ['src/knotctl']
+console_app = "True"
+requires = [
+  "argcomplete==2.0.0",
+  "pyyaml==6.0.1",
+  "requests==2.27.1",
+  "simplejson==3.17.6",
+  "openstacksdk==4.2.0",
+system_runtime_requires = [
+    "libpython3.13",
diff --git a/src/knotctl/__init__.py b/src/knotctl/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aec9e03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/knotctl/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import getpass
+import os
+import sys
+from typing import Union
+import requests
+from simplejson.errors import JSONDecodeError as SimplejsonJSONDecodeError
+from .config import Config
+from .runners import Run
+from .utils import error, get_parser, output, setup_url
+    from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError as RequestsJSONDecodeError
+except ImportError:
+    from requests.exceptions import InvalidJSONError as RequestsJSONDecodeError
+class Knotctl:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.conf = Config()
+        self.config = self.get_config()
+        self.config_filename = self.conf.config_filename
+        self.runner = Run()
+    def get_config(self):
+        config = self.conf.get_config()
+        if not config:
+            print("You need to configure knotctl before proceeding")
+            run_config()
+        return config
+    def run(self, url: str, args: dict, baseurl: str, parser: dict,
+            username: str):
+        try:
+            if args.command == "add":
+                self.runner.add(url, args.json)
+            elif args.command == "delete":
+                self.runner.delete(url, args.json)
+            elif args.command == "list":
+                self.runner.lister(url, args.json)
+            elif args.command == "update":
+                self.runner.update(url, args.json)
+            elif args.command == "user":
+                url = baseurl + f"/user/info/{username}"
+                self.runner.lister(url, args.json)
+            elif args.command == "auditlog":
+                url = baseurl + "/user/auditlog"
+                self.runner.log(url, args.json)
+            elif args.command == "changelog":
+                url = baseurl + f"/zones/changelog/{args.zone.rstrip('.')}"
+                self.runner.log(url, args.json)
+            elif args.command == "zone":
+                url = baseurl + "/zones"
+                self.runner.zone(url, args.json)
+            elif args.command == "openstack-sync":
+                self.runner.openstack_sync(args.cloud, args.name, args.zone,
+                                           baseurl, args.json)
+            else:
+                parser.print_help(sys.stderr)
+                return 2
+        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+            output(error(e, "Could not connect to server"))
+        except (RequestsJSONDecodeError, SimplejsonJSONDecodeError):
+            output(
+                error("Could not decode api response as JSON",
+                      "Could not decode"))
+        return 0
+def run_complete(shell: Union[None, str]):
+    if not shell or shell in ["bash", "zsh"]:
+        os.system("register-python-argcomplete knotctl")
+    elif shell == "fish":
+        os.system("register-python-argcomplete --shell fish knotctl")
+    elif shell == "tcsh":
+        os.system("register-python-argcomplete --shell tcsh knotctl")
+def run_config(
+    context: Union[None, str] = None,
+    baseurl: Union[None, str] = None,
+    list_config: bool = False,
+    username: Union[None, str] = None,
+    password: Union[None, str] = None,
+    current: Union[None, str] = None,
+    conf = Config()
+    if current:
+        print(conf.get_current())
+        return
+    config = {"baseurl": baseurl, "username": username, "password": password}
+    needed = []
+    if context:
+        found = conf.set_context(context)
+        if found:
+            return
+    if list_config:
+        config_data = conf.get_config_data()
+        output(config_data)
+        return
+    if not baseurl:
+        needed.append("baseurl")
+    if not username:
+        needed.append("username")
+    for need in needed:
+        if need == "":
+            output(
+                error(
+                    "Can not configure without {}".format(need),
+                    "No {}".format(need),
+                ))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        config[need] = input("Enter {}: ".format(need))
+    if not password:
+        try:
+            config["password"] = getpass.getpass()
+        except EOFError:
+            output(error("Can not configure without password", "No password"))
+            sys.exit(1)
+    conf.set_config(config)
+# Entry point to program
+def main() -> int:
+    parser = get_parser()
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.command == "completion":
+        run_complete(args.shell)
+        return 0
+    knotctl = Knotctl()
+    if args.command == "config":
+        run_config(
+            args.context,
+            args.baseurl,
+            args.list_config,
+            args.username,
+            args.password,
+            args.current,
+        )
+        return 0
+    config = knotctl.get_config()
+    baseurl = config["baseurl"]
+    token = knotctl.conf.get_token()
+    if token == "":
+        print("Could not get token, exiting")
+        return 1
+    # Route based on command
+    url = ""
+    ttl = None
+    user = config["username"]
+    if "ttl" in args:
+        ttl = args.ttl
+    if args.command != "update":
+        args.argument = None
+    if args.command == "add" and not ttl:
+        if args.zone.endswith("."):
+            zname = args.zone
+        else:
+            zname = args.zone + "."
+        soa_url = setup_url(baseurl, None, None, zname, "SOA", None, args.zone)
+        soa_json = knotctl.runner.lister(soa_url, True, ret=True)
+        ttl = soa_json[0]["ttl"]
+    if args.command == "user":
+        if args.username:
+            user = args.username
+    if args.command in [
+            "auditlog", "changelog", "openstack-sync", "user", "zone"
+    ]:
+        pass
+    else:
+        try:
+            url = setup_url(
+                baseurl,
+                args.argument,
+                args.data,
+                args.name,
+                args.rtype,
+                ttl,
+                args.zone,
+            )
+        except AttributeError:
+            parser.print_help(sys.stderr)
+            return 1
+    return knotctl.run(url, args, baseurl, parser, user)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/src/knotctl/__main__.py b/src/knotctl/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..488386d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/knotctl/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from knotctl import main
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/src/knotctl/config/__init__.py b/src/knotctl/config/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..134e1db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/knotctl/config/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+from os import mkdir
+from os.path import isdir, isfile, join
+from typing import Union
+import requests
+import yaml
+from requests.models import HTTPBasicAuth
+from ..utils import error, output
+class Config:
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Make sure we have config
+        self.config_basepath = join(os.environ["HOME"], ".knot")
+        self.config_filename = join(self.config_basepath, "config")
+        if not isdir(self.config_basepath):
+            mkdir(self.config_basepath)
+    def get_config(self) -> Union[None, dict]:
+        if not isfile(self.config_filename):
+            return None
+        with open(self.config_filename, "r") as fh:
+            return yaml.safe_load(fh.read())
+    def get_config_data(self) -> dict:
+        config_data = self.get_config()
+        config_data.pop("password", None)
+        return config_data
+    def get_current(self) -> str:
+        if os.path.islink(self.config_filename):
+            actual_path = os.readlink(self.config_filename)
+            return actual_path.split("-")[-1]
+        else:
+            return "none"
+    def get_token(self) -> str:
+        # Authenticate
+        config = self.get_config()
+        baseurl = config["baseurl"]
+        username = config["username"]
+        password = config["password"]
+        basic = HTTPBasicAuth(username, password)
+        response = requests.get(baseurl + "/user/login", auth=basic)
+        token = ""
+        try:
+            token = response.json()["token"]
+        except KeyError:
+            output(response.json())
+        except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError:
+            output(
+                error("Could not decode api response as JSON",
+                      "Could not decode"))
+        return token
+    def set_context(self, context) -> bool:
+        symlink = f"{self.config_filename}-{context}"
+        found = os.path.isfile(symlink)
+        if os.path.islink(self.config_filename):
+            os.remove(self.config_filename)
+        elif os.path.isfile(self.config_filename):
+            os.rename(self.config_filename, symlink)
+        os.symlink(symlink, self.config_filename)
+        self.config_filename = symlink
+        return found
+    def set_config(
+        self,
+        baseurl: str,
+        username: str,
+        password: str,
+    ):
+        config = {
+            "baseurl": baseurl,
+            "username": username,
+            "password": password
+        }
+        with open(self.config_filename, "w") as fh:
+            fh.write(yaml.dump(config))
diff --git a/src/knotctl/openstack/__init__.py b/src/knotctl/openstack/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..537dde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/knotctl/openstack/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import openstack
+import openstack.config.loader
+def get_openstack_addresses(cloud: str, name: str):
+    conn = openstack.connect(cloud=cloud)
+    # List the servers
+    server = conn.compute.find_server(name)
+    if server is None:
+        print("Server not found")
+        exit(1)
+    openstack_addresses = []
+    for network in server.addresses:
+        for address in server.addresses[network]:
+            openstack_addresses.append(address)
+    return openstack_addresses
diff --git a/src/knotctl/runners/__init__.py b/src/knotctl/runners/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b99cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/knotctl/runners/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+from typing import Union
+import requests
+from ..config import Config
+from ..openstack import get_openstack_addresses
+from ..utils import output, setup_url, split_url
+class Run():
+    def __init__(self):
+        conf = Config()
+        self.headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {conf.get_token()}"}
+    def add(self, url: str, jsonout: bool):
+        parsed = split_url(url)
+        response = requests.put(url, headers=self.headers)
+        out = response.json()
+        if isinstance(out, list):
+            for record in out:
+                if (record["data"] == parsed["data"]
+                        and record["name"] == parsed["name"]
+                        and record["rtype"] == parsed["rtype"]):
+                    output(record, jsonout)
+                    break
+        else:
+            output(out, jsonout)
+    def delete(self, url: str, jsonout: bool):
+        response = requests.delete(url, headers=self.headers)
+        reply = response.json()
+        if not reply and response.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+            reply = [{"Code": 200, "Description": "{} deleted".format(url)}]
+        output(reply, jsonout)
+    def log(self, url: str, jsonout: bool):
+        response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+        string = response.content.decode("utf-8")
+        if jsonout:
+            out = []
+            lines = string.splitlines()
+            index = 0
+            text = ""
+            timestamp = ""
+            while index < len(lines):
+                line = lines[index]
+                index += 1
+                cur_has_timestamp = line.startswith("[")
+                next_has_timestamp = index < len(
+                    lines) and lines[index].startswith("[")
+                # Simple case, just one line with timestamp
+                if cur_has_timestamp and next_has_timestamp:
+                    timestamp = line.split("]")[0].split("[")[1]
+                    text = line.split("]")[1].lstrip(":").strip()
+                    out.append({"timestamp": timestamp, "text": text})
+                    text = ""
+                    timestamp = ""
+                # Start of multiline
+                elif cur_has_timestamp:
+                    timestamp = line.split("]")[0].split("[")[1]
+                    text = line.split("]")[1].lstrip(":").strip()
+                # End of multiline
+                elif next_has_timestamp:
+                    text += f"\n{line.strip()}"
+                    out.append({"timestamp": timestamp, "text": text})
+                    text = ""
+                    timestamp = ""
+                # Middle of multiline
+                else:
+                    text += f"\n{line.strip()}"
+        else:
+            out = string
+        output(out, jsonout)
+    def update(self, url: str, jsonout: bool):
+        response = requests.patch(url, headers=self.headers)
+        output(response.json(), jsonout)
+    def zone(self, url: str, jsonout: bool, ret=False) -> Union[None, str]:
+        response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+        zones = response.json()
+        for zone in zones:
+            del zone["records"]
+        string = zones
+        if ret:
+            return string
+        else:
+            output(string, jsonout)
+    def lister(self, url: str, jsonout: bool, ret=False) -> Union[None, str]:
+        response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
+        string = response.json()
+        if ret:
+            return string
+        else:
+            output(string, jsonout)
+    def add_records(self, openstack_addresses, baseurl, name, zone, url,
+                    jsonout):
+        for address in openstack_addresses:
+            rtype = None
+            if address["version"] == 4:
+                rtype = "A"
+            elif address["version"] == 6:
+                rtype = "AAAA"
+            if rtype:
+                url = setup_url(
+                    baseurl,
+                    None,  # arguments,
+                    address["addr"],  # data,
+                    name,
+                    rtype,
+                    None,  # ttl,
+                    zone,
+                )
+                self.add(url, jsonout)
+    def update_records(self, openstack_addresses, current_records, baseurl,
+                       name, zone, url, jsonout):
+        previpv4 = False
+        previpv6 = False
+        curripv4 = False
+        curripv6 = False
+        for record in current_records:
+            if record.type == "A":
+                previpv4 = record.data
+            elif record.type == "AAAA":
+                previpv6 = record.data
+            for address in openstack_addresses:
+                rtype = None
+                if address.version == 4:
+                    rtype = "A"
+                    curripv4 = True
+                elif address.version == 6:
+                    rtype = "AAAA"
+                    curripv6 = True
+                if rtype and record.type == rtype:
+                    if record.data == address.addr:
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        url = setup_url(
+                            baseurl,
+                            None,  # arguments,
+                            address.addr,  # data,
+                            name,
+                            record.type,
+                            None,  # ttl,
+                            zone,
+                        )
+                        self.update(url, jsonout)
+        if previpv4 and not curripv4:
+            url = setup_url(
+                baseurl,
+                None,  # arguments,
+                previpv4,  # data,
+                name,
+                "A",
+                None,  # ttl,
+                zone,
+            )
+            self.delete(url, jsonout)
+        if previpv6 and not curripv6:
+            url = setup_url(
+                baseurl,
+                None,  # arguments,
+                previpv6,  # data,
+                name,
+                "AAAA",
+                None,  # ttl,
+                zone,
+            )
+            self.delete(url, jsonout)
+        if curripv4 and not previpv4:
+            url = setup_url(
+                baseurl,
+                None,  # arguments,
+                curripv4,  # data,
+                name,
+                "A",
+                None,  # ttl,
+                zone,
+            )
+            self.add(url, jsonout)
+        if curripv6 and not previpv6:
+            url = setup_url(
+                baseurl,
+                None,  # arguments,
+                curripv6,  # data,
+                name,
+                "AAAA",
+                None,  # ttl,
+                zone,
+            )
+            self.add(url, jsonout)
+    def openstack_sync(self, cloud: str, name: str, zone: str, baseurl: str,
+                       jsonout: bool):
+        url = setup_url(
+            baseurl,
+            None,  # arguments,
+            None,  # data,
+            name,
+            None,  # rtype,
+            None,  # ttl,
+            zone,
+        )
+        current_records = self.lister(url, jsonout=True, ret=True)
+        openstack_addresses = get_openstack_addresses(cloud, name)
+        if current_records["Code"] == 404:
+            self.add_records(openstack_addresses, baseurl, name, zone, url,
+                             jsonout)
+        else:
+            self.update_records(openstack_addresses, current_records, baseurl,
+                                name, zone, url, jsonout)
diff --git a/src/knotctl/utils/__init__.py b/src/knotctl/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2444bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/knotctl/utils/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+import argparse
+import argcomplete
+import json
+import sys
+import urllib.parse
+from typing import Union
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+def get_parser() -> dict:
+    description = """Manage DNS records with knot dns rest api:
+        * https://gitlab.nic.cz/knot/knot-dns-rest"""
+    epilog = """
+    The Domain Name System specifies a database of information
+    elements for network resources. The types of information
+    elements are categorized and organized with a list of DNS
+    record types, the resource records (RRs). Each record has a
+    name, a type, an expiration time (time to live), and
+    type-specific data.
+    The following is a list of terms used in this program:
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    | Vocabulary | Description                                     |
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    | zone       | A DNS zone is a specific portion of the DNS     |
+    |            | namespace in the Domain Name System (DNS),      |
+    |            | which a specific organization or administrator  |
+    |            | manages.                                        |
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    | name       | In the Internet, a domain name is a string that |
+    |            | identifies a realm of administrative autonomy,  |
+    |            | authority or control. Domain names are often    |
+    |            | used to identify services provided through the  |
+    |            | Internet, such as websites, email services and  |
+    |            | more.                                           |
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    | rtype      | A record type indicates the format of the data  |
+    |            | and it gives a hint of its intended use. For    |
+    |            | example, the A record is used to translate from |
+    |            | a domain name to an IPv4 address, the NS record |
+    |            | lists which name servers can answer lookups on  |
+    |            | a DNS zone, and the MX record specifies the     |
+    |            | mail server used to handle mail for a domain    |
+    |            | specified in an e-mail address.                 |
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    | data       | A records data is of type-specific relevance,   |
+    |            | such as the IP address for address records, or  |
+    |            | the priority and hostname for MX records.       |
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    This information was compiled from Wikipedia:
+       * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_zone
+       * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System
+       * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_file
+    """
+    # Grab user input
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description=description,
+        epilog=epilog,
+        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("--json", action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)
+    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command")
+    add_description = "Add a new record to the zone."
+    addcmd = subparsers.add_parser("add", description=add_description)
+    addcmd.add_argument("-d", "--data", required=True)
+    addcmd.add_argument("-n", "--name", required=True)
+    addcmd.add_argument("-r", "--rtype", required=True)
+    addcmd.add_argument("-t", "--ttl")
+    addcmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
+    auditlog_description = "Audit the log file for errors."
+    subparsers.add_parser("auditlog", description=auditlog_description)
+    changelog_description = "View the changelog of a zone."
+    changelogcmd = subparsers.add_parser("changelog",
+                                         description=changelog_description)
+    changelogcmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
+    complete_description = "Generate shell completion script."
+    completecmd = subparsers.add_parser("completion",
+                                        description=complete_description)
+    completecmd.add_argument("-s", "--shell")
+    config_description = "Configure access to knot-dns-rest-api."
+    configcmd = subparsers.add_parser("config", description=config_description)
+    configcmd.add_argument("-b", "--baseurl")
+    configcmd.add_argument("-c", "--context")
+    configcmd.add_argument("-C",
+                           "--current",
+                           action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction)
+    configcmd.add_argument("-l",
+                           "--list",
+                           action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,
+                           dest="list_config")
+    configcmd.add_argument("-p", "--password")
+    configcmd.add_argument("-u", "--username")
+    delete_description = "Delete a record from the zone."
+    deletecmd = subparsers.add_parser("delete", description=delete_description)
+    deletecmd.add_argument("-d", "--data")
+    deletecmd.add_argument("-n", "--name")
+    deletecmd.add_argument("-r", "--rtype")
+    deletecmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
+    list_description = "List records."
+    listcmd = subparsers.add_parser("list", description=list_description)
+    listcmd.add_argument("-d", "--data")
+    listcmd.add_argument("-n", "--name")
+    listcmd.add_argument("-r", "--rtype")
+    listcmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=False)
+    openstack_description = "Sync records with openstack."
+    openstackcmd = subparsers.add_parser("openstack-sync",
+                                         description=openstack_description)
+    openstackcmd.add_argument("-n", "--name", required=True)
+    openstackcmd.add_argument("-c", "--cloud", required=True)
+    openstackcmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
+    user_description = "View user information."
+    usercmd = subparsers.add_parser("user", description=user_description)
+    usercmd.add_argument("-u", "--username", default=None)
+    update_description = (
+        "Update a record in the zone. The record must exist in the zone.\n")
+    update_description += (
+        "In this case --data, --name, --rtype and --ttl switches are used\n")
+    update_description += (
+        "for searching for the appropriate record, while the --argument\n")
+    update_description += "switches are used for updating the record."
+    update_epilog = """Available arguments are:
+    data: New record data.
+    name: New record domain name.
+    rtype: New record type.
+    ttl: New record time to live (TTL)."""
+    updatecmd = subparsers.add_parser(
+        "update",
+        description=update_description,
+        epilog=update_epilog,
+        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+    )
+    updatecmd.add_argument(
+        "-a",
+        "--argument",
+        action="append",
+        metavar="KEY=VALUE",
+        help="Specify key - value pairs to be updated: name=dns1.example.com."
+        + " or data= for example. --argument can be repeated",
+        required=True,
+    )
+    updatecmd.add_argument("-d", "--data", required=True)
+    updatecmd.add_argument("-n", "--name", required=True)
+    updatecmd.add_argument("-r", "--rtype", required=True)
+    updatecmd.add_argument("-t", "--ttl")
+    updatecmd.add_argument("-z", "--zone", required=True)
+    zone_description = "View zones."
+    subparsers.add_parser("zone", description=zone_description)
+    argcomplete.autocomplete(parser)
+    return parser
+def error(description: str, error: str):
+    response = []
+    reply = {}
+    # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/406
+    reply["Code"] = 406
+    reply["Description"] = description
+    reply["Error"] = error
+    response.append(reply)
+    return response
+def nested_out(input, tabs="") -> str:
+    string = ""
+    if isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, int):
+        string += f"{input}\n"
+    elif isinstance(input, dict):
+        for key, value in input.items():
+            string += f"{tabs}{key}: {nested_out(value, tabs + " ")}"
+    elif isinstance(input, list):
+        for entry in input:
+            string += f"{tabs}\n{nested_out(entry, tabs + ' ')}"
+    return string
+def output(response: list[dict], jsonout: bool = False):
+    try:
+        if jsonout:
+            print(json.dumps(response))
+        else:
+            print(nested_out(response))
+    except BrokenPipeError:
+        pass
+def setup_url(
+    baseurl: str,
+    arguments: Union[None, list[str]],
+    data: Union[None, str],
+    name: Union[None, str],
+    rtype: Union[None, str],
+    ttl: Union[None, str],
+    zone: Union[None, str],
+) -> str:
+    url = baseurl + "/zones"
+    if zone:
+        if not zone.endswith("."):
+            zone += "."
+        url += "/{}".format(zone)
+    if name and zone:
+        if name.endswith(zone.rstrip(".")):
+            name += "."
+        url += "/records/{}".format(name)
+    if zone and name and rtype:
+        url += "/{}".format(rtype)
+    if data and zone and name and rtype:
+        url += "/{}".format(data)
+    if ttl and data and zone and name and rtype:
+        url += "/{}".format(ttl)
+    if data and zone and name and rtype and arguments:
+        url += "?"
+        for arg in arguments:
+            if not url.endswith("?"):
+                url += "&"
+            key, value = arg.split("=")
+            url += key + "=" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(value)
+    if ttl and (not rtype or not name or not zone):
+        output(
+            error(
+                "ttl only makes sense with rtype, name and zone",
+                "Missing parameter",
+            ))
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if rtype and (not name or not zone):
+        output(
+            error(
+                "rtype only makes sense with name and zone",
+                "Missing parameter",
+            ))
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if name and not zone:
+        output(error("name only makes sense with a zone", "Missing parameter"))
+        sys.exit(1)
+    return url
+def split_url(url: str) -> dict:
+    parsed = urlparse(url, allow_fragments=False)
+    path = parsed.path
+    query = parsed.query
+    arguments: Union[None, list[str]] = query.split("&")
+    path_arr = path.split("/")
+    data: Union[None, str] = None
+    name: Union[None, str] = None
+    rtype: Union[None, str] = None
+    ttl: Union[None, str] = None
+    zone: Union[None, str] = None
+    if len(path_arr) > 2:
+        zone = path_arr[2]
+    if len(path_arr) > 4:
+        name = path_arr[4]
+    if len(path_arr) > 5:
+        rtype = path_arr[5]
+    if len(path_arr) > 6:
+        data = path_arr[6]
+    if len(path_arr) > 7:
+        ttl = path_arr[7]
+    return {
+        "arguments": arguments,
+        "data": data,
+        "name": name,
+        "rtype": rtype,
+        "ttl": ttl,
+        "zone": zone,
+    }